

(2006-07-24 13:25:23) 下一個
Sizzle hot, Melting Camera...July 19th, 2006When that rude police showed his ugly teeth and smelly mouth to me, I was shooting the Anti-Israel protest on 2nd Ave at 42nd st.at 5pm, in a maybe the hotest day of the year 2006, in New York city. My always-smiling face was already stiffed, I had no extra energy left to open my mouth to argue. I started my work that day from 7am. During another outdoor shooting at 3PM, my lens handle got sticky, I shouldered off the camera and checked it out, the paint of the surface was melting, the camera was working at its limit.A young sparrow was sitting on the street among the feet of pedestrians, opened its mouth, couldn't fly due to the heat wave. I captured its last moment of life, a pedestrian stepped over it by accident. Another bird dived into the mass from sky, hovered two seconds and flied away. I realized that it could be its parent and had been watching its child hopelessly at a nearby place. Rescue failed.All the above happened on July 18th, 2006. 17th was the first day of this national heat wave. Many Israel supporters occupied 42nd street between 1st and 2nd Ave, which is not far from UN, held a demonstration against Lebanon and Palestinian, Hillary Clinton participated. They shouted and expressed openly that they don't need UN, they want action, they want to win the war with action, military action. I was the witness of this movement, the most sizzle hot international issue of the year 2006, which has been quiet down for some time, and now has been irritated again in the hot Summer. Middle East issue, igniter for 3rd World War?This time, AP and Reuters pooled the two demonstrations coverage. Reuters sent producer, I was the cameraman from AP. Pictures could have been delivered to over hundreds TV stations, and watched by over billions audience world wide. I haven't got a moment to collect and upload these pictures, for when it was edited by Reuters, it would be sent to AP in DC directly, I didn't even have a chance to looked at it. But people who had a chance said the picture was nice. When your shooting involves police, it couldn't be wrong.Pray for Peace in Middle East! Stay Cool!
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