
Hold the Line

(2022-02-23 09:31:44) 下一個


By Zuowang 


"Hold the Line!"  It is the last sentence by Tamra, a Canadian  hero, said after she was arrested. Perhaps she is the most peaceful criminal in the world. In Chinese, she is called a "prisoner of conscience". On the same Thursday night, I heard the same sentence again. At about nine PM, near the Peace Monument, Ottawa, I saw many demonstrators standing in a line, shouting the slogan "Hold the Line" altogether, and then singing the anthem. There were protecting the big red truck and the driver. A bearded white man recognized me, "Zuowang!" We stood together, arm in arm, becoming a part of the human being wall.

I am an immigrant from China.  I have lived in this country for 12 years, but I have only been in Gatineau for less than half a year. Why can a Canadian on the street know me? What’s more, the pronunciation of my Chinese name seems difficult for him.

Let me talk about from the beginning.  On January 28, I passed by downtown Ottawa coincidentally. A middle-aged lady from Alberta wearing a maple leaf flag asked me very humbly, can I give this hat to your son? It was so cold that day, my young son's ears were red for the low temperature. This kind lady represents my first impression of the fringe minority by Trudeau ,and they are also demonized by the Ottawa Police and mainstream media as rioters. 

Has this lady impressed me deeply? Yes, but, such people are not uncommon in Canada, where I have lived for 12 years. Isn't there such a saying? If you couldn't be friends with Canadians, you would have no friends in this world!

 Canadians are such kind of human beings, so in the Freedom Convoy ,which lasted for more than 20 days, there didn’t come  any violence. On the contrary, the crime rate  dropped by more than 90%. And the cleaners did not enter the area, but the ground is still very clean and tidy, which owed to those truckers and supporters.

On the following days, for my disposition as a writer who is interested in observing and recording, I often go to the Ottawa downtown intentionally and chat with other people, and I want to know why they launched this demonstration, what is their destination and how to achieve the purpose. I gradually understood the truth of the matter: this group of blue-collar Canadians, they are different with other classes who have been brainwashed by the name of "political correctness" which are hypocritical and absurd concepts  spreading for for decades fabricated by those extreme left wings.

Those protesters still maintain the basic and necessary vigilance , so they can distinguish those nonsense of political correct. Obviously their conscience and sense are still alive.

When the government used the exaggeration of the epidemic as an excuse to erode the individual rights and constitutional freedom bit by bit, and finally hit the bottom line, the Optimus Primes roared righteously and defended  freedom for all Canadians, yes, all of us, even including Lizexi, the Asian Canadian, who sued the freedom convoy organizers.I was deeply moved by them and wrote poetry and prose to document the great history event. 

At the beginning of the speech, I talked about the big red truck. I was very impressed by the driver because he rejected my donation at first. Finally he accepted but this hero’s tears almost went down.The second time, I came up to him for supplying a hotel room to rest. I asked him if he remembered me, he smiled, yes, of course, I remember, remember this beautiful face. However, he refused to go to the hotel. He said that he would fight in the truck to the last moment, and give this opportunity to another who need it more!

On the night of Thursday, February 17th, escorted by many supporters, the big red truck moved and stopped at the intersection of Willington street and the Bank street. I stood down his big truck with my friend and I could clearly see that it was he who was in it. So, he was not arrested or left, which comforted me a lot. 

However, after a day or two, I learned that there was a truck with broken into and the trucker was arrested by the police, could it be him? I don't know the answer yet, I don't know his name, I'm still very concerned.

These truckers and peaceful demonstrators are the ordinary Canadians, kind, friendly, honest,very brave, freedom-loving and dedicated to Canada. And they slowly got to know me, a Chinese woman who always spreads the poetry and prose for the Freedom convoy in the streets, and I even bravely stepped to the line stage in front of parliament hill to give a speech, although English is not my native language. In this way, I, an immigrant from the Orient, have established a heart-to-heart relationship with other Canadian patriots because we all have the same desire for freedom! 

On the other hand, I penetrated the lies and figured out the bullying facts of the mainstream media and the Ottawa police. They frame this peaceful  movement as insurrection to break the normal life of local residents, and they pretend that those crowded  people who condolence and support truckers are invisible. The supporters came from all over of Canada, including local residents of Ottawa.

In the process, the standoff between the Free Convoy and the government has escalated. Politics is a tricky and cunning issue, and there is filled with those people who are crave for power, money,and they are hypocrisy, greedy and vanity, but this moment, we Canadians, the most peaceful, kind even timid  people in the world,  are involved in this political issue opposing dictatorship.For the love of freedom, the love of Canada, the love of our children and grandchildren we are involved in the great political struggle.

We lack experience of political issues and seem a bit clumsy, but I still heard people say that maybe there will be communists to make violent troubles and then frame the truckers’ faults. So the government will make good use of it to knock down the demonstration.However, this wicked did not happen in this way, and we waited for another version, even much more absurd and malicious , on February 14th,  Prime Minister Trudeau sent the truckers and supporters a big surprise present on the Valentine's Day, He avowed Emergency Act. This situation  occurred four times in Canadian history, three other times during the two world wars and  a violent demonstration in Quebec in the 1980s.

In the past 21 days, truck drivers have suffered in the freezing temperature of minus 20 degrees, left their hometowns and relatives, risked offending the authority,losing their jobs,and being frozen bank accounts. And they still used the weak power of the grassroots to fight against the dictatorship of the elites.      They overcame their traumas,frustrations and depressions, and defended the constitutional freedom for all Canadians and future generation. They are fighting a good fight in a peaceful and self-disciplined way, with enough respect for the law, and what they finally aim to is freedom guaranteed by the charter. 

The Black Lives Matter organization, the Swedish environmental protector young girl, and even the terrorists released all have access to talk in face with Prime Minister Trudeau. He is a so  gentle,nice and generous leader before them. If he hadn’t compensated them a big money from taxpayers I would tolerant him. But this time, he completely hide in a rat hole! When he really needs to be responsible and repent of everything he has done, such as the death and injury caused by the forced vaccine, causing unemployment, exaggerating the epidemic for dictatorship, continuing the blockade, causing the economy to decline, violating the freedom of citizens, The lockdown  has also caused serious psychological trauma to many people, and even many suicides! In this crucial time, so many Canadian citizen came to the capital and they only appeal to lifting mandate vaccine, our prime minister has disappeared over 20 days!

Worse than that, he commanded some brutal police to attack the unarmed peaceful protesters and he froze people's bank accounts, without any reason, just because they are suspected to donate freedom convoy organization. Does the law in Canada ever prohibit peaceful demonstration?

The born responsibility of the media is to monitor the government, but what are these mainstream media doing? Now they are becoming the mental thugs of the government! Psychologically cooperating with the bullying from the police and government. The police hit those law-abiding citizens, trampled people with horses, and then the police office lied blatantly that it was the poor old man who threw a bicycle and attacked the mounted police! Factually, she is just an old woman who needs a walker. Policemen, shame on you! You police are breaking the law, not these truckers and supporters!

Now, what's going on in Canada? Do you still remember Hong Kong in 2018? Canada now is echoing with Hokong! and what is  the next step? Is Canada also returning to China?Other Chinese and I, we came to Canada for freedom, if it became a tyrant country then where would my children flee to?

Now, I'm going to talk about, why did all these happen today? I have often heard a saying previously that as long as there is a good political system, the safety, happiness, justice and freedom of the people can be guaranteed.

Then, Canada's political system is not good enough? If not, then our ever quiet and happy life in Canada is an illusion or a propaganda? of course not! So why is it so bad now! My answer is that a good political system is not enough to guard a safe, happy life in a civilized world.For example, this political system has elected a guy like Trudeau to be Prime Minister twice.

Next, I'm going to speak out a lot of things that are politically incorrect, and if it were spoken out by a white man, he would probably get fired, socially die, or even go to jail, however, I'm an Asian, invisible minority, you can understand that obviously I'm not a white-first Racists! But I can't guarantee that I'm not in danger of being frozen my bank account, being sentenced or being assassinated!

One of the important cornerstones of Western civilization is the Christian faith. Over these years, some Western left elites are actively and continuously destroying this foundation. I remember I read a book in which a Western scholar advocated multiculturalism more than 20 years ago when I was in a Chinese university. 

As for my point of view, it is OK to eat Chinese food or speak Chinese in a non-official circumstance.No problem at all! But how about this old Chinese saying which is spreading now in Chinese?A person should suffer all of torment so that he can be supreme enough to reign other people. It’s a high light time in all one’s life! I would like to ask all people who lived in a modern civilization, no matter where you are from. Is it acceptable for you to accept this popular Chinese evaluation in a civilized society? 

China was originally an atheist country. At the beginning of the 20th century, it began to accept materialism from Soviet Union. This country, which originated from agricultural civilization and has been under dictatorship for over 3 thousand years, has never really entered the modern civilization world in terms of ideology. Can those Westerners who advocate multiculturalism really understand Chinese culture and other orient cultures?

I'm an immigrant from China, I'm not a China-hater, and in some aspects, I love Chinese culture very much.  For example, I love Chinese poetry. We have a large quantity of splendid ancient metrical poems. I have been fed on by these glorious poetry classics mentally. I am deeply proud for them. Additionally, I have many Chinese friends who are also kind and honest, just as most Canadians with normal values, and I love them and respect them very much. What I am criticizing now is the morbid part of Chinese culture and the stupid and hypocritical multicultural concept in Canada, even the concept of globalization is what I will deny.

How can we take globalization into reality If all of countries cannot accept the universal common values, cannot believe in God, cannot be close to God, and cannot become a global huge village on the basis of similar  values? Globalization factually have  become the current situation:  It helps the big capitalists get low cost slaves from developing countries and make huge profits. Despite that they sometimes oppose the terrible human beings rights in developing area their actions can expose their true thoughts.They never stopped to grab black money. Yes,they are hypocritical enough. 

These bushiness elites, political elites and intellectual elites have taken advantage of the low human rights conditions in developing countries to get rich, while blue collar classes in Western countries have to lose their jobs, minus their salaries and now they are on the way to be enslaved by the control freak Canada government with the excuse of covid-19.

For many years, Western mainstream media has been bribed by politicians and school education system has been manipulated by the extreme left wings so many people have been brainwashed. Consequently, they are fooled by some hypocritical, ridiculous and chaotic ideas, which are very far from the truth. Many Canadians have betrayed God and are abetted by a group of arrogant intellectual elites who live in an ivory tower with too much rational conceit, completely ignoring the hardships of labor class.

The Freedom Convoy is an awakening and resistance of blue collar class! What’s more, I came to recognize the greatness of Canadians! Because these working class people are the foundation and backbone of Canada rather than the elites! 

As a Chinese-born Canadian,from my childhood, my surroundings tell me  I should study hard, strive to become an elite, and to be accepted by up class. Factually, I am only a daughter of a working family, and finally I got a master's degree from a Chinese top university, and became a writer and a poet , but in this  trek, what really motivated me was my relentless curiosity and my desire to discover a new world, as well as my enthusiasm for literature, not the damn dream of becoming a supreme person to overrule others after enough torment of struggling. Thank God, I am still a normal person though I grew up in a world occupied by Marxist materialism and ancient Chinese traditional culture.

     The Freedom Convoy taught me a good lesson that the commoners in this movement is much sublime than the elites in the parliament hill. I doubted profoundly whether the latter elected can really present the former. How can you answer me what the heck the IA was voted to operate? And how could they be so stone-hearted and arrogant to let these truckers heroes alone in Ottawa for 3 weeks in such a frozen season! Then they knock down this peaceful protest by violence! 

Why not sit down to negotiate? How can they break the promise of the election? Shame on you! Those liberties,Conservatives and NDPs. You are all cunning and tricky manipulators who play the political games very well! You don’t love Canada and you only care about your own powers and profits!  

On the other hand, those truckers and protesters have maintained the precious intuition, conscience, and courage of human beings who are not polluted by greedy. When the freedom given by God was eroded and violated, they stand up and resist. They have not been induced by  "Rational conceit", nor did they are abetted from the right way supervised by God.

I have talked so much just now but frankly I have not studied political science or sociology and I am just a poet, who loves reading and thinking, furthermore, I love real and concrete life much better than the world in the book. I am qualified as a writer because I have enough empathy. So I believe my eyes, my ears and my heart to figure out the truth of the Freedom Convoy, which is great enough to be written down in Canadian history. It’s not an unlawful insurrection or Ottawa occupation but it’s a peaceful war to protect free Canada. This war has broken out between Canadian patriots and the  authoritarian government manipulated by foreign agents. 


In the history of China, there’s full of wars disasters and I have read many great Russian novels, which is like China, when divisions  occurred, came bloody and death. But it is not a correct way to flatten violence with another violence because people will come into a barbarian, dark and chaos world.

         We shouldn’t forget, this is Canada and  Canada is really different. We Canadians are kind, patient and peaceful. We are defending freedom in a legal way, we have the great tradition of negotiating at a round table to solve the conflicts. On 21st February 2022 some people have conspired to destroy this great heritage and all of the innocent truckers and supporters were charged unlawful. Yes, there is a crime happened but the criminals are some people who have betrayed Canada in the Parliament rather than in trucks! The charter was raped on that day by the disgusting voting !

       However today I still stand up to back up these truckers heroes because if I had kept silent to these demonized people maybe one day nobody would help me in the similar situation.

       As a poet whose native language is Chinese I have written a  short poem to describe the Freedom Convoy, in an ancient Chinese metrical genre, firstly I will read in Chinese then I will read the English version:










The Darkest Hour of Canada


By Zuowang 


The truckers are protecting the maple leaf country

While the senators in Parliament are practicing the sophistry.

The Optimus Primes are honking horns altogether 

So Big Brother is so scared that he framed them as daggers stabbing citizens.


      Probably It is the only opportunity now that we can grab to fight for freedom! If we lose, Canadians will live in a long time of darkness and enslavement.So  hold the line! We will win! Thank you truckers! Thank you all !


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