2、過日子瑣事(job agent本事大)
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job agent把我洋洋灑灑三段關於近一年工作的空檔,用三句話概括;最後在SAP工作,可以增加但絕不能誇大。最後,還讓我一百個不情願地把Linkedin裏的早先工作刪了。
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附:對近一年的工作空檔的解釋 - 我的原敘述和有本事的job agent的概括。
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My last job is a contract job. Due to the company's realignment and budget cut, the contract positions in my team got cut off with a short notice. Right before I left, the team manager talked to me and expressed his strong willingness to bring me back whenever he had a budget - the estimated time is 2 - 4 months. I was considering that I should take a good vacation during that break time. Unfortunately the team didn't get extra budget since then.
Early this year, my father-in-law got diagnosed as the late stage of lung cancer. The visa to China was very difficult to get. Till my father-in-law passed away on 5/19, we didn't get the visa and we gave up. Due to the trip had been uncertain, I could not focus on searching a job.
In the meantime I am trying to find a good job opportunity, I am doing some volunteer works. One of the volunteer work is "COVID-19: Case Investigation & Contact Tracing" for my county government.
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NOTE, there is an explainable gap in employment following SAP budget cuts with rehire eligibility in 4 months. Joy embraced this much needed break to visit ailing family in China with plans to return to work Dec/Jan timeframe. She began the lengthy visa process which stalled indefinitely before the virus broke. Travel was prohibited, and her father-in-law passed shortly thereafter. Since, Joy has been volunteering for Covid-19 case investigation and contact tracing while exploring new career options.