1. Connecting dots
他從出生,被送人,生母要求養母一定讓他上大學,上了大學又quit,讀了些無用的課程 etc,10年後回頭看,這些都是成就他今後成功的dots
2. Love Loss:
成立了Apple,被踢了出來,曾是個 famous losser。回頭看,他覺得這是 best thing in my life.
3. Death: 被診斷出得了胰腺癌
You have to trust something: your Guts, Destiny, Life, Karma
Follow your heart and intuition
Stay hungry, Stay foolish
Your life is limited. Live each day as if it was the last -- 每天看著鏡子這樣問自己, 你會想做什麽?所有的欲望,驕傲,對難堪或失敗的恐懼,在死亡麵前都不值一提。