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Peacock bass Feeding fish|眼點麗魚|皇冠三間餵食秋刀魚

(2021-04-25 08:10:15) 下一個

Peacock bass Feeding fish|眼點麗魚|Aquarium|皇冠三間餵食秋刀魚

Peacock bass Feeding fish|眼點麗魚|Aquarium|皇冠三間餵食秋刀魚 #Peacock #bass carp feeding feed #shrimp Peacock bass (or Brazilian tucunaré) (Cichla) is a genus of large cichlids, diurnal and predatory freshwater fish native to the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as rivers of the Guianas, in tropical South America. They are sometimes referred to in English by their Brazilian name tucunaré or their Spanish name pavon. Despite the common name and their superficial similarity, they are not closely related to other fish known as bass, such as the North American largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Peacock bass are important food fish and also considered game fish. This has resulted in their accidental (escapees from fish farms) or deliberate (release by fishers) introduction to regions outside their native range, both elsewhere in South America, and in warm parts of North America and Asia. Singles have been caught elsewhere, including Australia, but do not appear to have become established there. Where established as an introduced species, they may become invasive and damage the ecosystem because of their highly predatory behavior, feeding extensively on smaller native fish. The largest species in the genus, the speckled peacock bass (C. temensis), reaches up to 13 kg (29 lb) in weight and 1 m (3.3 ft) in length, possibly making it the largest species of cichlid (others suggest that prize goes to the African giant cichlid, Boulengerochromis microlepis). Other peacock bass species are smaller. They are sometimes kept in aquariums, but even the smaller species require a very large tank. 皇冠三間原產於亞馬遜河流域、巴西東部,在當地做為食用魚和垂釣魚類。體形相當大,應使用大型水族箱,屬於猛魚,喜成對,適應力強,不挑水質,但最好是弱酸性至中性的水質。 皇冠三間成熟後全身會呈現出閃亮的金黃色,雄魚頭部上揚,嘴很大,體測有暗色的花紋,雄魚會起類似牛頭鯛一樣向上的“小帽子”,由於地域的變異,身上的花紋差異也頗大,肉食性,好活食,食量大且成長迅速。由於其生長快且體形大所以飼養需要1.5米以上的魚缸。 皇冠三間的習性與帝王三間相同。很多資料將皇冠三間與帝王三間混為一談,實際上從分類學上是兩種不同的魚,需要註意。 體形和習性 魚體形很像我國的鱸魚,長30~60釐米。頭大,口大。能適應弱酸弱鹼性水質,水溫20~30度。最宜水溫22~28度。屬肉食性凶猛魚類,幼魚就能吞食小魚,一般不能混養,但和同是大型魚且體型相差不大的情況下可以混養,混養的品種如地圖,龍魚,鸚鵡,恐龍魚等。體格強健,生長快,食量大。 繁殖特點: 不易人工繁殖。與麗魚科的有些魚相似,親魚在淺水處挖穴為巢,雌魚產卵於其中,卵粒數極多,親魚也有護理後代的習性。 If you like this video please subscribe me subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA?sub_confirmation=1 如果您喜歡影片,請按訂閱,訂閱是免費的.它會讓您會收到影片更新通知.謝謝您! blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/ instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/ facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: JR paper art channel. JR紙藝頻道 Subscribe to JR paper Art : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ JR aquarium channel. JR水族頻道 Subscribe to JR aquarium : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCB3l6oWqALB-rG_fIT8XFA


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