視覺藝術-紙藝術DIY教學示範彈出式明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。

3d White House|paper art|paper cutting|Pop up card|3d白宮卡片#1

(2021-02-27 07:16:40) 下一個

3d White House|paper art and craft|paper cutting|paper artist|Pop up card|3d白宮卡片#1

3d White House|paper art and craft|paper cutting|paper artist|Pop up card|3d白宮卡片/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3D paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make White House - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy White House card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design White House - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card Pop up White House card - How to cut and fold make White House 3d card - 3d白宮卡片 Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a White House pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #White_House pop-up cards. 這是示範如何做#3d白宮 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d白宮彈出卡片. Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant. #pop_up_card Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value. It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills. 許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。 彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。 製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。 影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 ! The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial ! The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eTzUM5FzDRxUeGxiRzEai3ze5pywJd1T/view?usp=sharing If you like this video please subscribe me subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1 如果您喜歡影片,請按訂閱,訂閱是免費的.它會讓您會收到影片更新通知.謝謝您! The White House is the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800. The term "White House" is often used as a metonym for the president and their advisers. The residence was designed by Irish-born architect James Hoban in the neoclassical style. Hoban modelled the building on Leinster House in Dublin, a building which today houses the Oireachtas, the Irish legislature. Construction took place between 1792 and 1800 using Aquia Creek sandstone painted white. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801, he (with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe) added low colonnades on each wing that concealed stables and storage. In 1814, during the War of 1812, the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior. Reconstruction began almost immediately, and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed Executive Residence in October 1817. Exterior construction continued with the addition of the semi-circular South portico in 1824 and the North portico in 1829. 白宮是美國總統官邸與主要辦公的地方,位於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區西北區,賓夕法尼亞大道1600號。自1800年美國第二任總統約翰·亞當斯入住以來,白宮就是美國歷任總統在任時的居所。 白宮由愛爾蘭裔建築師詹姆斯·霍本設計,工程期為1792年至1800年,建材使用白色的阿維亞溪砂岩,風格則是新古典主義式樣。第三任總統湯瑪斯·傑佛遜於1801年搬入白宮後,他和建築師班傑明·亨利·拉特羅布為了隱蔽白宮馬廄與儲藏室,而在白宮每側增添少許列柱。到了1814年,英軍在1812年戰爭中縱火摧毀華盛頓特區,白宮內部遭受火焚,外觀也被燒黑。待美軍收復華盛頓後,美國政府便立刻重建白宮,第五任總統詹姆斯·門羅於1817年10月搬進部分重建完成的白宮行政官邸。其後白宮建築工事仍持續進行,美國政府分別於1824年和1829年完成增建白宮南、北麵的門廊。 隨著美國政府逐漸擴大,白宮作為辦公場所顯得越來越擁擠。第二十六任總統西奧多·羅斯福於1901年要求白宮內所有辦公室遷往新建成的白宮西廂辦公室,八年後第二十七任總統威廉·霍華·塔虎脫擴建西廂辦公室,並增建橢圓形辦公室作為總統辦公室之用。主建築部分,三樓原本用作閣樓,也在1927年轉為總統家庭的起居空間。至於與傑佛遜柱廊相連的白宮東廂辦公室,落成後便一直用作處理白宮的社交事務,接待訪客、民眾與外賓,並於1946年改建擴大辦公空間。1948年,美國政府發現白宮的外部承重牆與內部木樑並無效用。第三十三任總統哈瑞·S·杜魯門任內便拆除白宮所有房間,以鋼樑作為白宮新建築結構的承重建材;此工程完工後,白宮所有房間才再度重建。 今日的白宮建築群包括行政官邸、西廂、東廂、艾森豪行政辦公大樓與布萊爾宮等建物。行政官邸共有五層,包括地下室、大廳層、國家層、第二層與第三層。而一般語境下所稱的「白宮」,通常是對「美國總統行政辦公室」或總統行政與顧問團隊的轉喻,如「白宮宣布……」。此外,由於白宮是美國國家遺產,其產權屬於美國國家公園管理局,是「總統公園」的一部分。2007年,白宮獲美國建築師學會評選為美國最喜愛的建築第二名。 blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/ Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/ facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006 pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/


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