
超過 500 名熱愛香港的政府行政主任(Executive Officer) 聯署公開信

(2019-07-26 00:54:02) 下一個




我們是一班熱愛香港的政府行政主任(Executive Officer),年資有深有淺,來自不同的工作崗位及部門。行政主任不敢自言政府骨幹,但幾乎負責全政府所有政策局及部門的人事、財務及行政事宜,勉力確保政府運作暢順,服務廣大香港市民。謹此表達我們對近日事件的憤怒及關注。 

自 6 月起,百萬計市民上街,更有人不惜以身犯險,以死進諫,清楚以行動向政府表達對修訂逃犯條例的意見。惜特首及問責官員對民意置若罔聞,強行為之於前;詭言浮說「暫緩論」及「壽終正寢論」於後,終致香港陷入困境。7 月 21日晚,白衣暴徒以「保家衛族」為藉口,公然在元朗進行無差別恐襲,以製造恐慌,圖令市民噤聲,惶惶不可終日。 

我們對特首及負責官員的處理手法深表遺憾。自上任以來,特首一直強調施政須「聆聽」,近日又再三強調「溝通」。然而數百萬民眾的聲音在這兩個月在街頭、在網上、在大氣電波中不斷迴響,難道還不夠清晰可「聽」嗎?特首及一眾司局長和警務處處長在 7 月 22 日下午 3 時所召開的記者會同樣難免讓人有行禮如儀之感。姑勿論其不及時,特首及警務處處長表現毫無承擔,更藉辭逃避記者的提問,其所謂解說亦令人無言以對。請問在特首及高官眼裡,市民安全是否不及國徽重要? 




超過 500 名熱愛香港的政府行政主任 敬上
#2Griez.2 小時前
A Co-signed Open Letter from 500+ HKSAR Executive Officers 
United by Love for Hong Kong

To all Hong Kong citizens, the media, the Chief Executive, all Members of the Executive Council, all politically appointed Principal Officials and the Commissioner of Police, 

We are a group of Executive Officers united by our love for Hong Kong. We come from different Government bureaux and departments, serving at different positions with various lengths of service. Executive Officers are responsible for undertaking duties relating to human resources, financial resources and administration support of most of the departments, we may not be the core of the Administration but are definitely the essential components that ensure smooth operation of the Government and dedicated in serving the people of Hong Kong. We hereby express our anger and concerns over the recent incidents. 

Since June, millions of members of the public have distinctly voiced out their concerns towards the extradition bill. They march on the streets, with some even risk their lives by escalating protest actions and initiating death remonstrations. Regrettably, the Chief Executive and her cabinet first disdained public opinion and bulldozed the bill through the Legislative Council, and later resorted to the sophistry of ‘suspension’ or ‘the bill is dead’, leaving Hong Kong in predicament in the end. At the night of 21st July, a huge group of white-shirted thugs brutally assaulted citizens indiscriminately in Yuen Long under the pretext of ‘safeguarding their families and clans’, the barbarous action was indeed aiming at creating panic in the community and silencing the public. 

We express deep regret over the Chief Executive and responsible officials’ handling of the matter. Since taking office, the Chief Executive has all along been stressing the importance of ‘listening’ in her administration and has reiterated ‘communication’ in recent days. However, has it not been clear enough for the voice of tens of thousands of citizens that echoed unceasingly on the streets and on both traditional and new media in the last two months? The press conference held by the Chief Executive and Principal Officials including the Commissioner of Police at 3pm on 22nd July was also like a routine. Not mentioning the tardiness in responding to the issue, the performance of the Chief Executive and the Commissioner of Police in the press conference only convinced us that they were shirking their responsibilities, they even evaded reporters’ questions by giving absurd replies that left people speechless. We question if the Chief Executive and her senior officials prioritise the national emblem over the safety of the citizens.
#3Griez.2 小時前
The trust of the people is of utmost importance to our government administration and the Police Force’s enforcement of law and order. We may not possess the expertise to judge the Police Force’s appropriateness in exercising force in recent mass movements, but we cannot reconcile with certain police officer’s unprofessional attitude and behavior during their missions. It should be the Police Force’s responsibility to protect lives and properties of our citizens. However, is it the Police Force’s “professional” pledge to protect our people by firing gunshots at citizens’ heads, swinging batons viciously at unarmed citizens, evading their salaried positions due to an “antagonizing environment”, turning a blind eye on visibly armed thugs in white shirts, telling our citizens to “not go on the street if you do not dare to” and insulting our journalists? Apart from not fulfilling their duty in protecting the Hong Kong people, they are also highly suspected of taking side with thugs. As civil servants ourselves, we strongly condemn the police for their dereliction of duty and violation of professional conduct. 

We hereby urge the Government to directly respond to the five demands advocated by the general public - in particular, their demands of formally retracting the amendment bill to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, and setting up an independent commission of inquiry. 

We truly believe that the majority of our colleagues in the civil service are serving the public with professionalism and impartiality, that we share the same love to this place we call home, and will vow to fight for the prosperity and stability to Hong Kong. May we join hands in defending the core values of Hong Kong, and preserving the freedoms and rights we have been entitled to. March on, Hong Kong! 

To Hong Kong with love, from 500+ HKSAR Executive Officers
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