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8:26 | 況 且 我 們 的 軟 弱 有 聖 靈 幫 助 , 我 們 本 不 曉 得 當 怎 樣 禱 告 , 隻 是 聖 靈 親 自 用 說 不 出 來 的 歎 息 , 替 我 們 禱 告 。 |
Every drop of my tears
It tears your heart apart
You told me you bought me with your blood
Which will dilute all my tears
Every time in my brokenness
It breaks your heart much
You told me you were broken on the cross
Which will heal my brokenness
Every one of my cares
Your caring eases all of them
With groans that words cannot express
You intercede for us with care
I will run and not grow weary
I will walk and not be faint
For I know along the journey
You care