
God sees that I am good

(2023-06-25 07:26:43) 下一個


2:8    萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 說 , 在 顯 出 榮 耀 之 後 , 差 遣 我 去 懲 罰 那 擄 掠 你 們 的 列 國 。 摸 你 們 的 , 就 是 摸 他 眼 中 的 瞳 人 


In the beginning

God created the heavens and the earth

He saw that everything He created was good


On the sixth day

God created humans in His holy image

He saw that everybody He created was good


On the third day

God saved sinners by rising from the grave

He saw that every sinner he saved as a child


I knew that I was bad

But God sees that I am good

The bad becomes the good

Since the best One has mercy on the worst

The apple of his eye I become

Since His blood shed from the cross is in me


Never has been loved so all my life

Since there has never been anybody

Who wants to die for me

When there is one

He is God

[ 打印 ]