
You are

(2023-04-28 04:53:43) 下一個


14:6    耶 穌 說 , 我 就 是 道 路 , 真 理 , 生 命 。 若 不 借 著 我 。 沒 有 人 能 到 父 那 裏 去 。


When I found I was at the dead end of my life

You showed me Your love and glory

When there is no way

You are the way


When I found there were too many things luring

You showed me the direction to the north

When there is no truth

You are the truth


When I found this world is dead and hopeless

You showed me the best way to survive

When there is no life

You are the life


Oh Lord

My Sheppard my only gate

I will follow You solely since I know who You are

Since I know You are Greate I AM


[ 打印 ]