Hey-o stars! It’s avec with pleasure that I, Olivi2Qte, present to you,my trusty viewers
and stars, another art post! As you can see from the title, this post is about my
butterfly drawing, which took moi me four hours two classes to make. The top
butterfly is the first butterfly I made, and the bottom une one is the second butterfly I
made. So the Violetinsaraie Lindara my made-up word for Purple Butterfly, was
the harder one to make out of le deux the both of them mostly parce que because
of le the details and the shape of the wings. But they weren’t too hard to perfect and
j’ai I mastered it. The deuxmement second butterfly, the Rainbunis Aloeinues my
morning made-up word for Rainbow butterfly, was easier to draw, but the body
had slight compilations when it was drawen, but the true challenge of the drawing
was finding the perfect colours to go with the perfect butterflies. One of my
classmates, said arc-en-ceil rainbow, so I just went with that. And the purple one
was my own idea. Until next time shining stars!