我的十四天意大利深度遊(7) (行程,上千張精 美照片, 必看的景點介紹攻略) - My Italy Travel 007-Siena-Duomo Cathedral-Museum
Day 8 (5/26/10 Wen.) Heart of Tuscany: Siena
Sleep in Siena(1) Florence -- Siena (SITA Bus 75min). Hotel Cannon d’Oro
> Take Morning SITA Bus From Florence to Siena (75min).
> II Camo—Best Square in Italy (Free) **Take corse Rapide Bus.
> Duomo – Art-Packed Cathedral, Statue by Michelangelo, Bernini.
> Duomo Museum – Duccio’s Maesta, Great Tuscan View.

Have a nice weekend! Niubee