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liren (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

9天和我一起玩遍巴黎與周邊 (9)- 物超所值的景點攻略,三千張美景照片!

(2019-01-27 18:17:55) 下一個

9天和我一起玩遍巴黎與周邊 (9)- 物超所值的景點攻略,三千張美景照片!- Last Day in Paris, Eiffel Tower, St. German Church


Day 9


Last look at my neighbourbood, the market place, the St. German Church, the Chatelet Les Halles Stop and its

underground shopping mall. From here I took RER B train to CDG airport terminal 2C 6~7 gate for Air Indian check-in. The B train ticket is 8.20 euro one way. A dieu Paris!!

登一些去巴黎玩的小貼士, 希望對您有幫助!

  1. when arrive at Paris, buy Carnet (10) tickets first, and buy 周票 CarteOrarge --(HEBDO)通行證 for next week valid Mon ~ Sun. Buy ticket zone 1-3 at price euro 21.60 or zone 1~4(if you use it to Verseilles ) at euro 26.70 or zone 1-5 at euro 32.10(if you go CDG or Disney)

















































1.  抵達巴黎, 西奈島, 聖母院, 塞納河岸, 盧佛宮金字塔夜景 (Arrive Paris, Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame, Along Seine River, Louvre Glass Pyramid Night View)

2. 凡爾賽宮, 盧佛博物館, 夜遊塞納河, 艾菲爾塔火花景, 香舍裏榭,凱旋門 (Versailles, Louvre, Seine River evening boat tour, Eiffel Tower Night Sparkling View, floodlit walk along Champs-Elysees)

3. 白天的杜樂麗,協和廣場,香舍裏榭,凱旋門,亞曆山大三世橋,艾菲爾塔,聖心教堂,蒙馬特,紅磨坊(Tuileries Garden, Place Concorde, Champs-Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Pont Alexandre III, Eiffel Tower Day View, Invalides,Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Montmartre, Moulin Rouge)

4.奧賽美術館,拉雪茲公墓 (Orsay Museum, Lachaise Cemontery)

5.拿破侖墓,羅丹花園和雕塑館,橘園美術館,蓬皮杜現代藝術館 (Napoleon's Tomb, Rodin Museum, Orangerie Museum, Pompidou)

6.參觀蓬皮杜現代藝術館,莫奈老家吉維尼(Pompidou, Monet's Home Giverny)

7.子爵堡,再來盧佛博物館(Vaux le Vicomte, Louvre again)

8.聖禮拜堂,法院區,盧森堡公園,克魯尼小博物館,莫奈美術館,加尼葉歌劇院看現代舞表演(Sainte-Chapelle, Palais de Justice complex, Luxembourg Garden, Cluny Museum, Monet Museum, Opera Garnier)

9.近看艾菲爾塔,聖哲曼教堂,告別巴黎!!(Last Day in Paris, Eiffel Tower, St. German Church)


Paris's travel Diaries:

巴黎五月花(1) – My Paris Travel (1)

巴黎五月花(2) – My Paris Travel (2)

巴黎五月花(3) – My Paris Travel (3)

巴黎五月花(4) – My Paris Travel (4)

巴黎五月花(5) – My Paris Travel (5)

巴黎五月花(6) – My Paris Travel (6)

巴黎五月花(7) – My Paris Travel (7)

巴黎五月花(8) – My Paris Travel (8)

巴黎五月花(9) – My Paris Travel (9)

巴黎五月花(10) – My Paris Travel (10)

In my original plan, I don't really have any plan since I count 2 days as travel time and doing nothing, but actually

I had things to do every single day.


Have a nice weekend! niubee





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