A revocable trust is a virtual entity that does not have a tax ID nor address. It needs to have a tax ID when it becomes an irrevocable trust.
It's not registered anywhere. Well, the primary residence will show the trust info and it will show the law firm info. So the law firm can provide a copy then. The successor of the trust can also have a copy.
The trust needs to distribute its income (not principle) every quarter or within a year, otherwise, a hefty tax will be assessed (40% on income over 12.5k?)
Use Trust to manage LLC make it easier for the asset management and transfer. It's called twin vehicle.
2. Tax Implications for an LLC Owned by a Living Trust
3. Using a LLC for Real Estate Investments: Traps for the Unwary
4. Can a Living Trust Be a Member of an LLC?
5. Trust Tax Rates (Simple Trust or Complex Trust) Will Blow Your Mind