


(2021-09-27 13:34:03) 下一個





SEC. 1052. Report on 2019 World Military Games.

(a) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report on the participation of the United States in the 2019 World Military Games. Such report shall include a detailed description of each of the following:

(1) The number of United States athletes and staff who attended the 2019 World Military Games and became ill with COVID-19-like symptoms during or shortly upon their return to the United States.

(2) The results of any blood testing conducted on athletes and staff returning from the 2019 World Military Games, including whether those blood samples were subsequently tested for COVID-19.

(3) The number of home station Department of Defense facilities of the athletes and staff who participated in the 2019 World Military Games that experienced outbreaks of illnesses consistent with COVID-19 symptoms upon the return of members of the Armed Forces from Wuhan, China.

(4) The number of Department of Defense facilities visited by team members after returning from Wuhan, China, that experienced COVID-19 outbreaks during the first quarter of 2020, including in relation to the share of other Department of Defense facilities that experienced COVID-19 outbreaks through March 31, 2020.

(5) Whether the Department tested members of the Armed Forces who traveled to Wuhan, China, for the World Military Games for COVID-19 antibodies, and what portion, if any, of those results were positive, and when suchtesting was conducted.

(6) Whether there are, or have been, any investigations, including under the auspices of an Inspector General, across the Department of Defense or the military departments into possible connections between United States athletes who traveled to Wuhan, China, and the outbreak of COVID-19.

(7) Whether the Department has engaged with the militaries of allied or partner countries about illnesses surrounding the 2019 World Military Games, and if so, how many participating militaries have indicated to the Department that their athletes or staff may have contracted COVID-19-like symptoms during or immediately after the Games.

(b) Form of report.—The report required under this section shall submitted in unclassified form and made publicly available on an internet website in a searchable format, but may contain a classified annex.

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