最近幾周, 高盛Goldman Sachs,,百利吉福德Baillie Gifford, 先鋒集團Vanguard group, 摩根 士丹利 Morgan Stanley 以及 其他 許多大型財團 and many other institutions 都在開始大量購買 NIO. 股. 以下列表 是 大型財團們 長期投資 大量購買 NIO 股的 數量.
Here are some interesting buys during the month of May 2020. We only looked at purchases above 1million shares of NIO :
1. Susquehanna International Group 4.8 million shares /New Increase of 230%
2. Morgan Stanley 15.6 million shares/ New Increase of 242%
3. Vanguard 27.4 million shares/ New Increase of 4.8%
4. Goldman Sachs 10.8 million shares/ New Increase of 7.3%
5. Millennium Management 1.8 million/ New Increase of 467%
6. Legal and General group 4.8 million shares/ New Increase of 5%
7. Geode Capital Management 1.76 million shares / New Increase of 11.6%
8. Credit Suisse 9.6 million shares/ New Increase of 20.7%
9. JP Morgan Chase 6.8 million shares/ Increase of 1111%
10. California public employees retirement system 1.7 million shares/ New Increase of 1.38%
11. Baillie Gifford 101.7 million shares/ New Increase of 0.37%
12. State Street Corp 14.5 million shares/ New Increase of 18.36%
13. First Trust Advisors 1.7 million shares/ New Increase of 36.3%
14. Bank of New York Mellon Group 1.01million shares/ New Increase of 8.9%
15. BlackRock Inc 31.6million shares/ Increase of 1.65%
NIO . 股 目前 由 對衝基金,銀行,期權撰寫人等 掌控. 其中大多數正在 不斷累積該股.. 首席執行官 CEO 李斌 對蔚來汽車的 未來 NIO 充滿信心… ..
You can verify all this through this link
NIO BLUE SKY IS COMING ! 在當前這種大動蕩的環境下,在布滿了幹柴的柴堆上 任何一點消息,任何一點油火 都 將會把 NIO 推向高空,上彈下跳, 瘋狂起舞。。
鼠年 多災多難. NIO 終將會在 逆境中奮發, 在打壓下抗爭, 在災難中 彈跳出輝煌業績.!