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10月6日,瑞典斯德哥爾摩宣布2020 年的諾貝爾物理學獎將一半頒給了英國人羅傑·彭羅斯 (Roger Penrose)以表彰其給出的黑洞形成的證明,並成為廣義相對論的有力證據。
另一半獎金由德國教授Reinhard Genzel和美國加州理工大學女教授Andrea Ghez(1965年出生的哦)共享,表彰他們發現銀河係中心的超高質量高密度物質。
今天北京時間 10 月 7 日下午 5點 45 點左右,2020 諾貝爾化學獎評選結果揭曉——諾貝爾委員會宣布,2020年諾貝爾化學獎被授予艾曼紐·卡彭特(Emmanuelle Charpentier)和詹妮弗·杜德納(Jennifer A. Doudna),以表彰她們對“基因編輯”方法的發現。她們發現了基因技術中最尖端的工具: CRISPR/Cas9基因剪刀。
這個劃時代意義的工作是2011年法國科學家曼紐·卡彭特在瑞典Umeå 大學最先發現的。隨後和美國科學家詹妮弗·杜德納合作在頂級《科學》雜誌發表了她們的論文。
利用這項技術,研究人員可以極其精確地改變動物、植物和微生物的 DNA。這項技術不僅對生命科學產生了革命性的影響,為開創新的癌症療法做出了貢獻,還可能使治愈遺傳性疾病的夢想成為現實。
下圖艾曼紐·卡彭特生於1968年11月,是法國微生物學、遺傳學和生物化學的教授和研究人員。她曾在巴黎的皮埃爾和瑪麗居裏大學(現為索邦大學理學院)學習生物化學、微生物學和遺傳學。從1992年到1995年,她是巴斯德研究所的研究生,並獲得了研究博士學位。Charpentier的博士項目研究了抗生素耐藥性的分子機製自2015年以來,她一直是德國柏林馬克斯·普朗克感染生物學研究所的主任。2018年,她成立了一個獨立研究機構——馬克斯·普朗克病原體科學研究所(Max Planck Unit for the Science of pathogen)。
圖中的詹妮弗·杜德納(Jennifer Doudna )於 1985 波莫納學院(Pomona College) 畢業,1989 年於哈佛大學獲得博士學位,1994 於耶魯大學擔任教授,1997 年任霍華德·休斯醫學研究所(HHMI)研究員,2003 年任加州大學伯克利分校教授。
What you have have said is very true and is one important factor in the specialization of the careers men and women take on which make them different. This in itself is one aspect of the biological/psychological difference between men and women. Women have a biological instinct and drive for having children and to nurture and to socialize. Men have a biological instinct to protect, to hunt and explore. This provides naturally drive for the distinct specialization in the distinct career paths of men and women.
There is nothing wrong with women taking care of children. It is as glorious as man working on mathematics, if they are both what each has the urge to do. On the contrary it the liberal progressive/feminist who is being obnoxious and bigoted looking down one choice over another.
It is true that in some areas, like biology and social sciences, there are some equity in proportion at least in the beginning. But that does not nullify what I have said. The difference manifests much more prominently in hard sciences and mathematics where IQ makes a huge difference unlike in the softer sciences. Even within biology, the subfields that call for more mathematics see a high ratio of men to women. There is nothing wrong with it. Women have advantage in many other fields.
The right attitude is to acknowledge the factual difference and treat everyone as individuals. When we do that the effect of the population probabilistic distribution diminishes. What is harmful is the attitude of the liberal left/feminists who disregard the individuality but instead force everyone into their imagined template.
You said "今年的諾貝爾獎女性多於男性,這是一個趨勢。朝著男女真正意義上的平等發展。從智力的角度來說,男女之間沒有什麽差別。" How do you conclude from an outlier a trend? It does not make sense. There are some noticeable difference differences in intelligence between gender. I gave one such difference in my last post.
"男女智力差別其實很小。" It depends on the interpretation. The average IQ between men and women differs little. The standard deviation of IQ of men is markedly larger than women. That is why in the higher echelon of hard science and mathematics, there are significantly more men than women. That is also why amongst the retards, there are also more men than women.
號外4: 諾貝爾文學獎
美國詩人路易斯。格魯克(Louise Glück )獲得今年的諾貝爾文學獎!Louise Glück 1943年出生於美國紐約。1968出了第一本詩集,然後出了12本詩歌。。。