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FIFA 18 tips -- guide, controls, Change version and new features

(2017-10-17 20:18:46) 下一個

FIFA 18 is formally here, and with it is about a series of tweaks, changes, and the odd new feature, too.

Here on our main FIFA 18 guide hub page, we'll take you through all FIFA 18's new features, plus provide plenty of general FIFA 18 tips for gamers of all levels, and gather together hyperlinks to all of our more detailed guides to particular parts of the game.

FIFA 18 guide -- all of our specific FIFA guides in one place

Below is the assortment of our in-depth guides for FIFA eighteen. Watch this space as time goes by, as well be constantly adding plenty much more guides once we take more time with the game.

FIFA 18 tips

All those fairly minor new features aside, FIFA 18 still differs subtly from earlier versions in a number of ways, with a cheap fifa 18 coins slightly different feel to game play, tweaks to the UI, and more.

For returning fans who've been playing FIFA 17 right up until 18's launch, or newcomers who've been away from the game for a while, there's plenty to bear in mind, so here are a few general tips to enable you to get back in the game as quickly as possible:

FIFA 18 suggestions:

§ Vary your own passing - FIFA is becoming more and more a case of space-management -- that was already correct last year in FIFA 17 - by which we mean the practice of sketching the opponent out of position and creating space for you to progress. Mastering the art of opening the pitch on your own is becoming more and more essential, and the best way to do so is with varied passing: a couple short, easy balls into feet at the back, followed by a big switch using the driven pass (R1/RB + Pass), driven lob (R1/RB + Lobbed Pass), regular long ball and maybe even a swanky threaded through ball (R1/RB + Through Ball) will swiftly open the pitch for you. Keep an eye on your rader for those off-screen Robert Scholes wonderballs!

§ Practice your skill moves - We all know, practising skills within FIFA is arduous work, but it'll pay off for you large time in the long run. Turn the difficulty right down and play several games against the computer to get the best way to practice towards opposition players. All of us recommend mastering the dummy shot (quickly tap Shoot then Pass buttons) for newbies, before moving on to the more complex things. It works wonders towards 'headless chicken' ball chasers (like us) who you'll find online, although the computer's inhuman reactions are a little too good to be misled at higher levels.

§ Pace feels nicely balanced -- Believe it or not, for as soon as pace feels very good in FIFA, with 18 featuring a modified system where Speed and Sprint Speed feel quite unique. Players will take time to ramp up to their top speed, pace vs . strength battles tend to play away more in line with your own expectations, and there's still some significant 'counterplay' for reduced players through containing and positioning.

§ Tackling is out, 'containing' is in - Dealing with is arguably the hardest it's been within FIFA 18. As the AI will evidently be able to tackle a person from just about any position they see fit, controlling tackling by hand out here in the human world is a lot harder. It takes a moment for your player to begin their standing tackle, while slide tackle's are as weakened as they were last year - and the new Hard Tackle is nearly totally pointless until you intentionally want to clatter someone behind for a foul.

§ Interceptions happen less frequently - We're noticing far fewer inteceptions from players within situations where you would expect them to create one. Your placing has to be absolutely just right for you to intercept the pass. We've seen ballsa fizzing by quality holding midfielders that are well attainable, so beware the drilled pass within FIFA 18!

§ Finesse Shots tend to be back - There's always one type of shot that's in vogue each year, and this time it seems to be Finess Shots. They're not quite because bad as being 'overpowered', but we've definitely had some luck using them in one-on-ones, more so than any other shot type up to now.

FIFA 18 new features, controls, and gameplay details

Here is a quick, at-a-glance take a look at all the new features in FIFA eighteen. As you'll see, this particular year's been a little more iterative than earlier versions, with most of the changes small changes to quality of life. Nevertheless, they're welcome changes at least!

FIFA eighteen new gameplay and controls features:

§ Quick Subs -- set up quick subs in Team Management before a game, and you can then hold down R2/RT during a crack in play to create up a Quick Sub suggestion, and X/A to accept.

§ Modified Crossing controls -- You can now use R1 / RB to perform a high, floated cross, and double-tap to perform a low, whipped cross.

§ Hard Tackle - Press Triangle/Y to perform a standing Hard Tackle, which has your player attempt to get ball regardless of what's in front of all of them (this normally results in a foul).

§ Jogging/Slow Dribbling changes - Jog/slow dribble now more helpful, with good dribblers able to start animated graphics faster. You can slowly dribble to work some space, then burst into it with speed, like Ronaldo or Messi would, for those who have good enough cheap fut 18 coins dribblers on the team.

§ Set Piece tweaks -- only minor changes to set pieces are in FIFA 18, but penalties are the primary beneficiary, with them now working in a more 'point and shoot' style, and goalkeepers no more jankily flopping outrageous of a daisy second hand cutter trickling into the goal.

FIFA 18 new visual and technical features:

§ Enhanced visuals - just about any, FIFA this year includes a raft of common visual tweaks and upgrades, particularly upon players faces.

§ Improved stadiums and croweds>  -- designed to be more immersive, and focused on creating each stadium's distinctive atmosphere.

§ New Motion Technology -- previously, new animated graphics were triggered each time a player took a new step. Now animated graphics are triggered each and every frame (so sixty times every second) making FIFA eighteen feel more visually fluid.

§ Sprinting Styles - 6 sprinting archetypes ahve been introduced, such as skinny or stocky, with special sprints for certain players, such as Ronaldo, Sterling, and Robben.

FIFA eighteen new modes and changes:

§ New Career mode move cutscenes - showcasing the same Frostbite-powered personality models and computer animation as the Journey, these unfold in real-time transfer negotiations whenever you try to buy gamers.

§ FUT Symbols replaces FUT Legends - in the past, the mode was exclusively available to Xbox gamers thanks their advertising deal with EA. Right now, Icons is a setting available on allplatforms, and it has received changes such as three versions of each Icon to symbolize different stages in their career.

§ New FUT Modes -- Squad Battle, pitting players against the AI with pre-selected squads, plus a new Champs Channel, and Goals modes come to Greatest Team.

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