2020 (63)
2021 (118)
2022 (197)
2023 (88)
2024 (60)
Accomplished given tasks
Learned to be happy and healthy
Laughed at Mom's funny jokes
Enjoyed hanging out with friends
Navigated local and national parks
Influenced mom with new trends
Skied down small and big mountains
Accepted being an adult's responsibilities
Worked hard at every tried sports
Enriched our lives with excitement and joy
Swam in pools and lakes
Open-minded when learning
Marched in Spirit 76 band
Earned the respect of the very best
This is your first birthday away from home, and I hope everything is going well for you.
I vividly remember the day you were born. The moment I saw you, my heart was filled with joy. You were so adorable. Your arrival brought immense happiness to us. Daddy's company delivered a beautiful flower arrangement. Chris’s family visited you while we still in the hospital, and several of friends came to greet you at home. Everyone adored you, especially Alex. He cherished you so much and became a very loving brother.
Time has flown by so quickly. You tried soccer, basketball, flag football, baseball, swimming, piano, chess, running, and Cub Scouts before you graduated from elementary school and found passion at chess, running, and piano. When you advanced to middle school, you joined band to play trumpet. I was fortunate enough to become a Math Club coach. I still remember how proud I was when you guys advanced to the district at the annual MathCounts competition. Then, COVID-19 hit and you spent nearly two years of high school virtually from home. That was my best work-from-home experience because I got to have lunch with you every day. I cherished every meal we shared, and you become a good chef.
Your high school years flew by even faster once returned to in-person classes. In the blink of an eye, you graduated as an honor student and National Finalist Scholar. You’ve grown into a thoughtful, independent, loving, and caring young man. I am so proud of you, and I know you’ll succeed in whatever career path you choose.
As you start this new chapter in college, you’ll meet people from diverse backgrounds with different values. My advice to you is to choose your friends carefully. Surrounded yourself with those who bring out the best in you, who cherish and encourage you to become the best version of yourself.
Now that you’re away at college, Daddy and I are empty nesters. I will write more blogs, so please follow me :)
Love you, and happy 19th birthday.