2020 (63)
2021 (118)
2022 (197)
2023 (88)
2024 (60)
光陰似箭, 日月如梭. 轉眼老大就離家自立了. 今天一早七點不到, 戴著口罩和自家做的豆沙包,把他的車裝的滿滿的開走了. 中午一點一刻,發短信告之: 平安到達, 去定好的公寓,辦好手續,然後搬卸他的東西.
在他發的視頻裏,看見公寓後麵就是湖水,有座小橋, 風吹的頭發飛揚. 我們原計劃是一起送他去,再度假一周左右. 結果計劃趕不上變化. 瘟疫大流行, 那也去不了.
回顧他四年的大學生活, 成熟了不少, 許多事情都自己搞定.頭一年和他高中同學合租住學校公寓, 大一去印地安拉州做了三月暑期工。巧的是和他一起去的學長,和他同名。愛好也差不多。他們一起買菜做飯。大二那年,和同學Tony每周日在Instagram發一個鋼琴小提琴合奏曲。我成了他們的粉絲. 每周末等他們的視頻. 大三隻在學校上了四個月的課, 新年一過,就去公司做為期半年的實習(co-op)。對這個工作比較喜歡,要做許多軟件設計。不過想去大點的城市。大四開學不久就來電告知有一個工作的offer了. 沒想到COVID-19在短短幾個月席卷全球,人心惶惶.還好回家後,一邊上網課, 一邊把他的公寓租好了. 中間給我們做了幾次飯, 和弟弟一起跑了幾次步, 我們一起去附近的公園走走. 好幾次提及他的工作,有點迫不及待的感覺.
想當年我照著<<父母>>雜誌上的育兒指南,記錄著吃喝拉撒睡, 量著身高體重, 數著牙齒.那時我們住的公寓有好幾家朋友, 我記得那時有一位八歲左右的男孩, 對我說:“你怎麽總抱著孩子呀”. 我回答, “他小, 當然要抱了, 等大了,就不要抱了.” 他又問, “多大不用抱”, 我反問他,“你要你媽媽抱嗎?” 他一下笑了.
如今我是想抱也抱不動了.當年小小嬰兒如今成了自食其力的男子漢. 吾心甚慰!
Time flies by, Alex completed his first year at college. It seemed like yesterday, but lots of things happened.
August 12, 2016, we drove to his school. After parked the car, he went to the housing office to pick up the dorm key, then we carried his suitcase and box of supplies to his dorm. There was a welcome card attached to the door. The room was clean and neatly organized with a study desk and a three-drawer chest and a shelf. He shared the dorm with Chris, his high-school friend from the cross country team. Chris was there already and we saw several of his high school friends too. We left after he set up his bed.
Two weeks later, I sent him an email to tell him what going on at home. He replied my email with “thanks, it means a lot.” I texted him often to make sure everything were ok. He responded with “k” most of time, sometime, he did not reply at all. Then one day, I texted him “we booked the vacation package to Hawaii”. He immediate texted back and asked when. I texted back him with “in year 2020”. He replied with laughing face. I knew he read my message?
Labor Day weekend, he got a ride home. We were excited to see each other. He went to walk around the neighborhood for about an hour with his little brother. He shared lots of stories with us. He said teachers and students were cool. Study was not hard at all. He talked more about the new friends he made. There are lots of students at his floor who share the same interests; for example, everyone at his floor knows how to play ruby cubic; how to ride the Rip-stick. Several of students have music talent and they were hanging out at the lodge often and soon attracted more students from other floor, even other building. They become popular dudes and had great time. He returned to school with his violin, ukulele, and the keyboard.
October 15, we went to school to attend the parent meeting. Alex gave us a quick tour while leading us to the meeting place. I learned more about the school. After the meeting, I checked with him with the meeting notes. There was nothing to worry about because he had answered all my questions. We went for the lunch at a local restaurant. He introduced us to the restaurant owner. He said he’d been here couple times with other friends and it’s the best restaurant around the town. He shared his thought about taking music as minor and asked us for an opinion. I said, maybe he should check out details, such as how long and what kind of music, etc.
During one of phone conversation, I learned that he attended a school career fair and started to work on his resume.
Thanksgiving, he got a ride home. This time, he hung out with his high-school friends several times. He told us that Andy and he wanted to visit Josh during spring break and together they would go skiing. He asked for permission and support. He also told us that he changed his mind about the music minor because it will take too much of his time. He talked about the clubs he went, there were lots of meeting and gathering for new students. After interviewed with lots of group, he wanted to join the fraternity next month because this group has lots of students who share the same value and same principle like him. He showed me some paperwork about the fraternity group he was about to join. Its mission is “Better man, Better life”. He joined the fraternity along with other 16 freshmen before the winter break and would move into a fraternity house to share the room with 2 other brothers right after the winter break.
December 13, his dad came to school to pick him up. the fraternity house is a 3 storied building with about 20 rooms there. his room was 314. he shared with xx and xx. the house was very clean and have a large living area at the first floor. the kitchen was in the lower floor. all the people there were very friendly and everyone we met was stopped and chatted with us for few seconds. I really felt like a home there.
There are total 75 brothers in his fraternity group. all the member’s name and picture are hanging at the entrance wall. As a new member, he will schedule a 30 minutes session with each of them. he showed me his full-scheduled calendar and he loved it so he felt that he is fulfill lots of good deeds and not get bored.
He said that study at college was easier than high school. so I told him to work on his soft skill, engage with other students to become better communicator, better leader and make the people surround you feel welcomed and have positive energy to influence people.
In no time, spring is here. Andy and he drove to the airport from school and then flew to Utah to meet with Josh. together, they went skiing and had wonderful time.
After spring break, he told us that he plan to have a summer job and already been to school career fair twice. he also asked us which engineer branch should he be emphasis on: manufacturing, management and design. I told him to check out three of them via internship to get hands on experience.
April 18, he phoned us that he got an engineer intern job offer starts from May 22 at Columbus, Indiana. He will share an apartment with another friend who also get internship job there. They both will shop for their living items and then share the cost.
May 13, 2017, he came home after the final. He stayed home for a short week and packed everything he needed and drove his car to Indiana. It’s about 310 miles.
I was little worried because this is first time he drove that far all by himself to a totally new place. he left at 11 am and I waited around 7:30 pm to text him. and lucky, he replied that he unpacked stuff. I was relieved and called him and learned that he already ate and he almost done un-packing and another friend already there and everything was ok.
Later on, he sent a short video with his apartment as well as the view nearby. the 2-bedroom apartment looks very clean. the patio faces a lake and there is water foundation spring the water.
I called him on Monday and he packed his sandwich lunch to work. he woke up at 5:45 am, then arrived at work at 7:00 am. he and his roommate share the food and cook together, and he sent us several meals and looks very heathy and yummy.
he drove home on Father’s day weekend and we all excited to see him and he told us all the new machines he learned to use and he enjoyed working there. he comments all the people he works with are very nice and fun to hang out. he worked in the factory for first 4 weeks and now he worked closed with his boss to do more like sales assistant role. he still liked the work and he got up at 5:45 am and started work at 7 and left at 3.
he drove home again on 4th of July weekend because he wanted to participant the recruiting event for fraternity at City Museum.
Time really flies by. He completed his internship at August 4 and came home safely. He showed us his apartment lease and the recommendation letter from his intern company to invite him back for next year.
Now another year is started. we are looking forward to a new year.
? Rice, Flour, noodles, peanuts, Cooking Oils, Soy sauce, Spices
? Tofu, Veg, Fruits, napkins
? Cooking pan, plate, bowl, fork, spoon, Ziplock bag, lunch bag,
? Face masks, gloves, Tylenol
? Location, shampoo, condition, soap, body wash, toothpaste, Toilet paper, face tissue
? Shower curtain
? Dish washer, soap, dryer sheet, washer detergent
Living room
? Table, chair, computer, pen, paper, notepad
? Sports, fun stuff, family photo
? Bed
? Bedding, sheet, comforter, quilt
? Cloth
? Shoes, hats, belts, ties
? Jumping kits?
? Oil?