BC-威斯勒--Jasper----班芙(Banff)--卡爾加裏(calgary)溫尼伯(Winnipeg),然後進入安大略省(Ontario),經桑德貝(Thunder Bay),穿過蘇必利爾湖(Lake Superior)省立公園,渥太華(Ottawa)
Day 1(31/8) Vanouver-whisler-kamloops kamloops Paul Lake Provincial Park
Day 2 (1/9) Kamloops--Jasper whistlers campsite
Day 3 (2/9) Jasper nation park columbia icefield campsite or Wilcox
Day 4 (3/9) Jasper -Banff Lake Louise
Day 5 (4/9)
Camp where the dinosaurs once roamed on the Red Deer River in the heart of Dinosaur Valley!
thunderbay--white river (Winnie-the-pooh)