

Jeff Koons---一個 \'couldn\'t carve his name on a tree\'的雕塑家

(2019-04-03 08:29:02) 下一個

The Spectator: "Koons has very little technical skill: his work is made by production-line assistants."

Robert Hughes: Refer to Koons's sculptor skills, Koons "couldn't carve his name on a tree."

The New Yorker: "It's really the quality of his work, interlocking with economic and social trends, that makes him the signal artist of today's world. "

Former Editor of Artforum, Ingrid Sischy: "the work feeling so alive"

The Guardian: "great, good, bad and terrible art "

A security guard of Koons`s Paris Show: "merde, merde, merde" ("shit, shit. shit")

2008年, 在Versailles的個展時,Koons混在人群裏,聽見一個保安一邊看著展品一邊用法語說:“merde, merde, merde”。

Jeff Koons被譽為是Warhol的接班人,是藝術市場和流行文化的寵兒,但是卻被傳統藝術界所嫌棄。藝評界對其作品也是走兩個極端。

比起一般的藝術家,他的工作室更像個工廠。2014年,Koons的工作室(下圖)有128名員工,其中64名在Painintg Department,44名在Sculpture Department,10名在Digital Department,10名從事文職工作。Koons的創造有這些人成為現實。某種意義上Jeff Koons更像是一個商標,但是所有商品都有Koons一人策劃。Jeff Koons的這種藝術理念很是領先。最近一個關於AI如何改變未來生活的討論,就提出歐洲父母會在未來讓子女去從事藝術創造和表演類學科,而放棄熱門的法律,經濟和金融,因為這些職業中的機械化崗位會被AI所取代。AI未來可以模仿大師筆觸,模仿大師構圖,卻無法模仿大師的創造性。AI隻能從於流派,而無法發展出新的額流派。

雖然Jeff Koons在80年代的作品就已經很熱了,但是個人對Made In Heaven之前的係列都不感冒。個人覺得Made In Heaven開始,Jeff Koons的作品才是對流行文化狂歡。下麵簡單回顧下,Jeff Koons的作評,爭議很多,故事也不少。

The New 係列:

New Shelton Wet/Drys 10 Gallon, New Shelton Wet/Drys 5 Gallon Doubledecker, 1981-1986, Four Vacuum Cleaners, acrylic, flourescent light


Equilibrium 係列: 


Three Ball 50/50 Tank (Spalding Dr. J Silver Series) ,1985, glass, steel, deistilled water, three basketballs.


Banality 係列

Sting of Puppies, 1988, polychromed wood

Sting of Puppies(上圖),是Jeff Koons明信片上的照片創造了真人大小的雕塑。1992年,Koons因沒有得到拍攝者的同意而使用該照片,敗訴。雖然敗訴,最後,這雕像還是賣了$100,000。這雕像偶覺得有種說不出地嚇人。

Made In Heaven 係列:

Made in Heaven, 1989, lithograph Billboard

Jeff Koons找了Cicciolina(IIona Staller)來作模特,本來說打算拍電影的,後來沒拍成,兩人結婚生子去了。Cicciolina是意大利的色情演員後來從政成了意大利的政府議員(Italian MP:1987-1992),人生也是開掛的,小電影,MP,唱歌,嫁大師,多首流行樂為她而寫,組建政黨。這段婚姻維持7年,離婚後,兩人開始爭子大戰。美國判兒子監護權歸Koons,意大利判撫養權歸Staller還要Koons補教贍養費。因為爭子大戰和Koons的其他Copy rights之爭,使得2000-2001年Koons幾乎在破產邊緣。峰回路轉,Koons現在身價超過$1B。

Blow Job(Kama Sutra),1991, Glass


Small Vase of Flowers, 1991, Polychromed Wood



Puppy, 1992, stainless steel, wood, soil, geotextile fabric, internal irrigation system, living flowering plants

1992,Koons創造了這個大花狗,最初是擺在Schloss Arolsen(Arolsen Castle),Arolsen, Germany。同年,Koons還根據照片,畫了幅油畫(下圖)。

這大花狗,被Hugo Boss買下捐給了,1997年10月要開館的Guggenheim Museum Bilbao(GMB),Spain(見下圖)門前。當年10月18日GMB要正式開館,10月13日兩名警察路過巡查,發現一可以汽車停在附近,上去一查,沒想破獲了一場恐襲,一名恐怖分子被當場擊斃,剩下兩名被抓。當時三名恐怖分子正往大狗的花盆裏放手榴彈。最後警察共發現了12顆手榴彈。

Celebration 係列:

1994-2010年,Balloon dog, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Koons在他的Celebration係列裏造了5隻不同顏色的,3米多高的 不鏽鋼 雕塑。2013年的時候,橘色的那隻,拍賣了$58M,成為當時最貴的在世藝術家的藝術品。這雕像雖然很流行,但在評論界裏惡評如潮,很多評論家說這係列是為迎合商業而作,毫無藝術性可言。這五隻狗是偶的大愛,看著就給人一種活力和激情,和Celebration很配。

The Gardian:“Dreadful”,“cheap,tone-deaf,misogynistic image”

The Spectator:“deadly Smugness”

Elephant 係列:

Elephant, 2003,Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Popeye 係列:

Popeye Train(Birds),2009,Oil on Canvas


Elvis,2003, Oil on Canvas


Lobster,2003, Polchromed Aluminum, Coated Steel Chain


Monkeys (Chair), 2003, Polychromed Aluminum, Wood, Straw

Stainless 係列:

Titi,2004-2009,Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Lobster, 2007-2012, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

PopEye (Stainless),2009-2011,Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Swan(Inflatable),2011-2015Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating


Balloon 係列:

Balloon Swan, 2004-2011, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Balloon Rabbit, 2005-2010, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Balloon Monkey, 2006-2013, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Balloon Monkey Wall Relief (Blue), 2011, Silkcreen on Stainless Steel with Polychromed Edges


Hulk Elvis 係列:

Geisha,2007, Oil on Canvas


Girls(Dots),2007, Oil on Canvas

Hulk (Organ),2004-2014, Polychromed Bronze, Mixed Media


Hulk (Wheelbarrow),2004-2013,Polychromed Bronze, Wood, Copper, Live Flowering Plants

Antiquity 係列:

Antiquity (Farnese Bull),2009-2012, Oil on Canvas


Antiquity 3,2009-2011, Oil on Canvas

Balloon Venus, 2008-2012,Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Ballerinas, 2010-2014, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Balloon Venus Dolni Vestonice, 2013-2017, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Bluebird Planter, 2010-2016, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Metallic Venus, 2010-2012, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Ode to Love, 2010-2017, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Pluto and Proserpina. 2010-2013, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

Seated Ballerina, 2010-2015, Mirror-Polished Stainless Steel with Transparent Color Coating

這雕像幾乎就是烏克蘭藝術家Oksana Zhnykrup 1974的瓷件的翻版(下圖)。

Woman Reclining, 2010-2014, Granite, Live Flowering Plants

Gazing Ball 係列:


Gazing Ball (Mailboxes), 2013, Plaster and Glass

Gazing Ball(Antinous-Dionysus), 2013, Plaster and Glass

Gazing Ball(Snowman), 2013, Plaster and Glass

2014年, Whitney Museum of American Art,NYC

2014年 Koons第一次個展,不是一般的個展,是整個 Whitney Museum,NYC都是他的個人展品。Whitney Museum of American Art裏擺滿了Jeff Koons15年來的不同係列的展品。雖然參觀者如潮(WMAA,不得不在展出的最後周末裏,連續開館36小時),但藝術評論界也是批評如潮。

The NewYork Review of Books:“Vacuum”,“Baloney”,"Emotionlly dead"

The Nation周刊的藝術評論家Barry Schwabsky,更是把Koons的作品比為Walmark出產的東西。

個人覺得Barry Schwabsky絕對是偏心,他老婆Carol Szymanski的雕塑差不多和Koons一個風格,管不住家裏的,就隻好管外麵的 ;P。


該展覽的最後一周,Celebration係列中的Hanging Heart(Red/Gold)(下圖),被一紐約青年給塗鴉了,還在Instgram上被直播了。Hanging Heart(1994-2006)一共有5種不同色配。

Bouquet of Tulips:

Bouquet of Tulips, 2016, Polychromed Bronze, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum

Koons在2016年的時候給巴黎市捐了上麵的雕像,來今年巴黎恐襲的受害者。結果,24名藝術界知名人士發表了公開信,反對雕像被放在Palais de Tokyo外,認為這個雕像隻配放在Trump Tower前。去年,巴黎市政府最後決定,將雕像放在Petit Palais的花園裏。


Jeff Koons和Andy Warhol一樣,喜歡參與各種流行化的設計和包裝,專輯封麵,廣告,限量商品,無所不在。

Artpop — Lady Gaga, 2013

Rabbit掛鏈- Collaboration with Stella McCartney

Google Phone Case

Moët & Chandon 下的 Dom Pérignon 限量香檳酒包裝

2017年Louis Vuitton的包包:

還是偶錯了,當時覺得Louis Vuitton用這些名畫作包包,不用向那些已故大師交版稅,結果,還得向在世大師教版稅。

H&M 限量版包包

Untitled(Egg):An Egg For The Faberge Big Egg Hunt charity auction, to raise money for children in NYC


Michael Jackson and Bubbles, 1988


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