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  • 博客訪問:

要不要買斷公司退休金?(2023/4/2 更新)

(2018-01-28 07:25:24) 下一個

A friend of mine was asking me about pension fund distribution.  His company is offering one-time buyout of $300k lump sum or he can take monthly payment of $1,500.  The question is whether he should take the lump sum or monthly payment?

There are some questions that can help decide whether to take the annuity or the lump sum.



Monthly Payment

Lump Sum


Do you need this money for your monthly expenses?




Do you want to pass the money to your children?




Is the annuity inflation adjusted?




What is your net worth?




How is your company's business prospect?


Not sure


Does the pension have the medical plan



By using this $300K lump sum and $1,500 monthly pension payment as an example, let’s take a look at this.  The $1,500 monthly payment represents 6% of return from $300K.

This friend of mine does not need $1,500 monthly payment for his living expenses. – Lump Sum

(The money can be invested in the market by himself)

He has a child whom he wants to pass the money to.  – Lump Sum  (If a person chooses the pension plan survivor benefit, the monthly payment will be significantly reduced based on the percentage of payment that the survivor gets.  Taking the lump sum is a better way to pass down the money.)

His monthly payment is not inflation adjusted. – Lump Sum  (6% return will not increase since it is not inflation adjusted)

His net worth is about $3M. – Monthly Payment  ($300K represents only 10% addition to the net worth of $3M, not significant enough)

His company business prospect is good. – Monthly Payment  (Chances for the company going into bankruptcy are low and his pension will be there)

His company pension does not carry a medical plan for retirees – Lump Sum (if there is a medical plan in the pension starting at 62 year old, you should seriously consider to take the monthly payment.)

In this example, the decision should be taking the lump sum.  In the end, this friend of mine has decided to take the lump sum of $300K.

After deciding to take the lump sum, you can roll the money to a Rollover IRA account with Fidelity or Schwab and manage the money yourself.  Since the rollover is not a taxable event, you have no tax liability until you take the money out.

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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
回到北方 回複 悄悄話 所以都拿出也可能虧掉
回到北方 回複 悄悄話 再有我不會投資,就2012年了幾個10萬多的房子,也沒怎麽漲。歲數大了,估計以後管著也利不重心了
回到北方 回複 悄悄話 我公司lump sum 是大概36萬。 如果65歲拿,每月2600多,一直這樣。沒有醫保。如果有事留給配偶一半,每月少拿200$。 沒太想刻意給孩子留什麽,我出國就100$、他們肯定比我們好。我問了fidelity,他們說這個計劃很好。這計劃不和公司掛勾。公司倒閉不影響。公司估計不會倒閉。我65歲以後會需要提取。所以,我應該每月領取
hhtt 回複 悄悄話 回複 'jeff.goodman' 的評論 : Taking the lump sum means that you will roll the money to a self-directed IRA, no tax consequence, it does not mean that you take the money and deposit it to your bank account.
jeff.goodman 回複 悄悄話 If taking in lump sum, would that incur huge income tax for the year?
hhtt 回複 悄悄話 回複 'feifei001' 的評論 : 謝謝來訪。如果是有醫療保險在裏麵,那是一定拿年金了,除非Lump Sum 很大。
feifei001 回複 悄悄話 我們這裏如果一次性lump 就沒有 meidcal care benifit 了, 隻好 monthly 拿。
hhtt 回複 悄悄話 回複 'houmom' 的評論 : 謝謝你的來訪。這退休金占總資產的比例,是一個比較靈活的指標。300K/3M和300K/1M相比。後者如果加在一起,總資產就增加了30%,那是一定拿Lump Sum。300K/3M 就沒有這麽硬性指標,根據每個人的情況和Preference。
houmom 回複 悄悄話 很有道理。唯一不太同意是3M那一條,雖然300k not significant跟3M相比,但這不是take monthly payment的理由吧。還是主要比較兩種方法,最後那個total更多。