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現在是不是買投資房的時候?(2020年12月31日 更新)

(2017-07-04 10:21:05) 下一個

Is it the time to invest in a rental property?  Before answering the question, you need to ask yourself two questions.

1. Will the rental property have a positive cash flow or breakeven?

2. Does your new rental property in an area have an appreciation potential?  

If you have YES for both questions, it is a buy!  But actually, the answer is not that simple.  You need to look at your area of population growth, job market, school, etc.  I would consider the first buying question more than the second one.  As long as the property is situated in a stable real estate area, the positive cash flow is more important than the increasing price of property prices since you are buying a property for investment, not flipping.  I will not worry about the price based on what so called expert saying.  

Before COVID-19, it was a buyer’s market.  The reason being is for the past 10 years, we had enjoyed the low mortgage rates fueled by Federal Reserve Bank interest rate policy.  As the economy recovers from the 2008 financial crisis, under the Trump administration’s pro-business policy, we had seen our GDP growing at around 3% annually.  With a strong economy, Federal Reserve Bank had been raising the interest rate for the past two years before 2020, which translated to higher mortgage rates.  That was why we were seeing housing transactions coming down in some areas in the US due to higher mortgage rates.  

When COVID-19 struck at the beginning of 2020, US Federal Reserve Bank immediately lowered the interest rate to help stabalizing the economy and congress passed CARES act to help millions Americans affected by the lock downs.  All these monetary and fiscal policies have brought down the mortgage rates to historical new low with 30yr fixed below 3%.  The low mortgage rates and stilumus money fuel home buying and refinancing activities and quickly the real estate market becomes a sellers market with multiple offers and price bidding up.  One more factor of sellers market is that people are seeking bigger space to work from home by moving from cities to suburbs because of the lock downs.


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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
hhtt 回複 悄悄話 回複 'sefree28' 的評論 : 聯邦利率下來,對房貸利率有影響,房貸利率也會下來。理論上講,應該對房市有好處,房貸利率下調,房貸的開銷下降,對買房的人有好處。但是,因為房價在2010年往上走,因為房貸低利率的作用。房價在相對一個高的點,Affordability是個問題。所以房市有些拉鋸情況。交易也有些少了。
sefree28 回複 悄悄話 這周聯邦又調低了利率,對短期的房市是否有正麵的影響呢?
hhtt 回複 悄悄話 回複 'hz82000' 的評論 : 謝謝hz姐姐來訪,因為美國聯邦十年的債券的利率在跌,最近的房貸利率是一路往下,對要買房的人們是好事。但是從經濟的角度,這有些不正常,應該和貿易戰有關。
hz82000 回複 悄悄話 Rate is so good now!