

美國國債突破$31 trillion,維護美元霸權成為唯一選項!

(2022-10-07 11:39:35) 下一個

美國國債再創新高,首次突破了 $31 trillion。也就是說,把老人與嬰兒全算上,每一個美國公民的頭上,都頂著$93,000 的債務。當然,被民主黨開放邊境,慷慨放進美國的成千上萬的非法移民,不不,按照民主黨政治正確的說法,應該叫無證移民,不在統計的範圍之內。

The gross national debt in America has hit new heights, surpassing $31 trillion, according to a U.S. treasury report released this week.

If you find that hard to wrap your head around, it basically boils down to more than $93,000 of debt for every person in the country, according to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation.


原本就債台高築,為了疫情推出的極其鋪張浪費的拯救美國計劃($1.9 trillion)大撒幣也就罷了,但喪心病狂的敗燈政府為了中選,又拋出一個神馬減輕學生貸款計劃 ($750 billion)!

Come on!大學學費如此昂貴,四年欠下幾十萬學生貸款,僅僅減免一萬或兩萬,管個毛用!如果民主黨真為窮學生著想,應該減低的是學生貸款利滾利的高昂利息,而不是僅供打水漂的一兩萬!

And with the dramatic rise in interest rates over the past few months — the Fed funds rate is currently between 3% and 3.35% — the national debt will be growing at a rate that makes it even harder to ignore

The last couple of years have been expensive

A deficit is what happens when the government spends more money than it brings in through taxes — and the last couple of years have been expensive.

Several large bills with hefty price tags have been approved since the start of the pandemic, including the American Rescue Plan Act, which cost $1.9 trillion, and $750 billion for student debt relief, all adding to the deficit, which then adds to the debt.

幹啥啥不行,吃啥啥都行的民主黨,打著減少國債的旗號,居然打上了辛辛苦苦幹活老老實實交稅的藍領階層與中產階層的主意!為此,民主黨特意擴編了國稅局(IRS),給國稅局增加了幾萬個稅警,專職工作就是查稅,目的是從藍領階層與中產階層身上,搜刮出 $240 billion。


And though the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed in August, is expected to reduce the deficit by $240 billion, policies and programs brought in by the Biden Administration are expected to add trillions more over the next decade.

展望前景,一片黯淡。十年後,美國國債達到將近$36 trillion !

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that $4.8 trillion will be added to the deficit by 2031.

“Excessive borrowing will lead to continued inflationary pressures, drive the national debt to a new record as soon as 2030, and triple federal interest payments over the next decade — or even sooner if interest rates go up faster or by more than expected,” says the CRFB.

Much of the borrowing in the past couple of years happened while interest rates were historically low, but now that they’re not, with inflation rising at the fastest pace in decades, the cost of this debt is likely to be amplified.

Currently, more than $965 million is spent every day just in interest on the national debt. The Peterson Foundation estimates that will triple over the next decade, making it the fastest-growing item in the federal budget.



So who owns America’s national debt?

There are different kinds of national debt. Think about it like having a credit card, a mortgage and a car payment — all debt, but different. The U.S. Department of the Treasury manages the national debt, which is split between what one government agency owes to another and debts that are held by the public.

Intragovernmental debt accounts for about $6.5 trillion of the debt.

The much bigger piece of the debt is held by the public. Right now, that’s about $24 trillion.

Foreign governments as well as banks and private investors, state and local governments and the Federal Reserve own most of this debt, and it’s held in Treasury securities, bills and bonds.

Foreign governments and private investors are one of the biggest holders of the public debt, owning around $7.7 trillion. Domestically, the Federal Reserve holds the largest share of the public debt, at about 40%.


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居北飛雁 回複 悄悄話 以前不懂,讓你一說,懂了
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Jhu11463' 的評論 : agree
Jhu11463 回複 悄悄話 爪四哥 發表評論於 2022-10-08 04:39:24
回複 '股聾' 的評論 : 可惜!民主黨有川普這個神助攻,保住兩院的希望狠大

眾議院仍然有機會贏,參議員可能不會獲勝,因為被Trump支持的人不會贏。2020 GA 失去了兩個席位 2020,這是由Trump造成的, Sad
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '新林院' 的評論 : 一聲歎息。。。。
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 'BeijingGirl1' 的評論 : 哇!nice trip :-)
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '大號螞蟻' 的評論 : 咦?爪哥總算與螞蟻觀念一致一次 :-)
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '西岸-影' 的評論 : agree
爪四哥 回複 悄悄話 回複 '股聾' 的評論 : 可惜!民主黨有川普這個神助攻,保住兩院的希望狠大
新林院 回複 悄悄話 爪四哥寫道:“如果民主黨真為窮學生著想,應該減低的是學生貸款利滾利的高昂利息,而不是僅供打水漂的一兩萬!”
一個人借債,政府強迫別人還,這是鼓勵 “moral hazard”。以後誰也不打工了,要用錢就借債。都等著下一屆選舉,看誰允諾替他還債,就給誰投票。

BeijingGirl1 回複 悄悄話 好文。 我這次在歐洲親眼見到他們的日子不好過。 當然,美元大撈一票,我們都猛買英國名牌。:)
大號螞蟻 回複 悄悄話 這是全球化資本深層政府的問題。非美國。
西岸-影 回複 悄悄話 帝國不行了,這是曆史規律。沙特這次配合俄國進行石油減產,這是公開打壓美元。
股聾 回複 悄悄話 這樣看來,這個民主黨還是當前世界和平的重大威脅。

