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美國有個奧斯卡winning大片兒“the blind side”, 估計很多人都看過。如果您沒看過,牆裂推薦。。。
這個影片根據真人改編,男一號的原型是美國職業橄欖球遠動員Michael Oher。 He is an offensive tackle who played in the National Football League (NFL) for eight seasons, primarily with the Baltimore Ravens. He played college football for the University of Mississippi, where he earned unanimous All-American honors, and was selected by the Ravens in the first round of the 2009 NFL Draft. He also played for the Tennessee Titans and Carolina Panthers。
做為O-line的left tackle,Michael Oher的主要職責是在passing situation時,保護四分衛的blind side。這也是這個好萊塢大片兒名字的由來。一個優秀的left tackle,是四分衛最好的保護神。所以,隨著NFL越來越演變成一個四分衛主導的passing league,left tackle也水漲船高,一票難求。
Premier left tackles are now highly sought after, and are often the second highest paid players on a roster after the quarterback。in the 2013 NFL Draft,three of the first four picks were left tackles, and usually at least one left tackle is picked in the first five positions。Recent examples include Eric Fisher (2013, 1st overall pick), Luke Joeckel (2013, 2nd overall pick), Lane Johnson (2013, 4th overall pick), Matt Kalil (2012, 4th overall pick), Trent Williams (2010, 4th overall pick), Jake Long (2008, 1st overall pick), and Joe Thomas (2007, 3rd overall pick)。替補上場的主教練以及整個教練組,沒有讓team ready for the big game。
敲黑板!敲黑板!這個被紅字highlight的Eric Fisher, 2013年選秀的狀元郎,是KC Chiefs的O-line的中流砥柱,四分衛小馬哥的保護神。unfortunately,在AFC championship game最後幾分鍾,他拉斷了阿基裏斯腱,無緣super bowl。
不過,我當時沒有太worry。Chiefs有兩周的時間做技戰術方麵的調整,來保護替補上場的LT,讓對方無法explore LT的weakness。再加上小馬哥這幾年簡直就是superman的化身,沒有LT的充分保護,so what ?!
讓我百思不得騎姐的是,比賽開始後,Chiefs在技戰術方麵居然沒有做任何調整,依舊讓小馬哥shut gun,run 4 receiver set plays,讓替補LT一對一對抗Tempa的D-line。這個替補LT,別說super bowl,連季賽與季後賽都鮮有上場機會。本來就技不如人,又played too nervous,too tight。整場比賽,他的防線形同虛設,被Tempa的D-line衝了個落花流水。小馬哥幾乎每一次pass,都有Tempa的D-line right in his face,都要running for his life。整個比賽節奏被徹底打亂,high power的Chief offense變成了NFL 的laughing stock:NY Jets 的 offense。
1. 小馬哥不是superman,沒有人保護他的blind side,他的表現與Jets的四分衛沒啥區別。他整場的令人慘不忍睹的statistic,tells all。
2. Eric Fisher的缺席,徹底改變了整場比賽的dynamic。不過,這個是整個教練組的錯。兩周時間,沒有製定出相應的技戰術????come on,連俺這種二把刀球迷都能想出相應措施來!比如說,利用hill的speed,多一些outside running,screen pass,QB boot leg,讓對方無法explore替補LT的weakness。。。尤其是,forget about Shut gun,please!!!!這是把小馬哥往虎口裏送啊。
3. Tom Brady是有史以來,不僅是NFL,而且是美國所有職業sports的GOAT(greatest of all time)。舉個栗子吧:Tom是美國所有職業sports中,勝率最高的player。Tempa Bay這個team,則是美國所有職業sports中,勝率最低的球隊。TB12轉會TB,第一年,就幫助TB拿到super bowl,it tells ALL。
4. 爪四哥是比貝利還大的烏鴉嘴。這是我賽前的預測:super bowl 毫無懸念,將會是一場一邊倒的比賽,Chief最終以34:24輕鬆取勝。(SB time !!!!)
“Tom是美國所有職業sports中,勝率最高的player”, 這個說法爪四你要費勁兒圓, 哈哈。
Tom Brady 是很牛, 爪四吹得過了頭。
勝率最高的player? 這個你是咋算的?