前言:閨女前幾天申請大學的 ED 被哥倫比亞大學“政治正確”掉。輸給優秀的老中的孩子我無話可說,但被一個從 SAT 到 GPA 到才藝到領導力到參與社區活動社會活動都與閨女差了十萬八千裏的非亞裔的 LGBT 同性戀女孩擠掉,我實在是怒發衝冠,怒爪衝鞋!這個 LGBT 同性戀女孩為迎合藤校白左的口味,在 essay 中把自己包裝成“窮苦人”...嘿嘿,窮人的孩子居然從小有 private tutor?!窮人的孩子居然住在美國最富的 county 之一?!give me a break!
總而言之,言而總之,閨女除了學習甩下那個非亞裔同性戀幾條街,還拿過古箏國際大賽金獎,在卡耐基音樂廳表演過數次;畫作被收入美國全國性的青少年雜誌中;為中樂團譜曲;寫網絡小說;代表俱樂部參加 national level 的排球大賽;中文學校 $20/hr 的才藝課正式老師;閨女還是學生會主席,學校藝術協會的主席。幾周前剛剛籌劃邀請ALS患者 Lindsay 來校演講做畫,非常感人的事跡上了新州新聞(見備注,應閨女請求,宣傳一下Lindsay 的正能量);閨女還是中樂團 first chair,還有即將發表的 scientific research paper,參加過的社區活動義工活動更是數不勝數...但是,但是,但是,所有這些所謂的華人孩子的accomplishments,在一個把自己包裝成“窮人”的非亞裔的LGBT麵前,簡直是不堪一擊。由於閨女學校不是哥大的 legacy 學校,每年哥大最多從女兒學校招一個學生,幾十年來一向如此。所以招了那個“窮苦”的 LGBT,就沒俺閨女啥事兒了。閨女得到的通知都不是 defer,而是 reject! 一位多年從事美國大學錄取的老中看到我的文章後,私信我說:哥大是 LGBT 的旗幟學校,招了那個 LGBT,你女兒的申請材料估計哥大根本看都沒看,就直接 reject 掉。未去成哥大,不是壞事。條條大路通羅馬,do not worry。
還有很多朋友好言相勸,讓閨女把 essay “改編”得更適合藤校白左口味。但在原則問題上,四嫂與閨女與我意見是一致的:憑真本事申請學校,不誇張,更不會撒謊,絕不為爬藤而投機取巧出賣良心。天涯何處無芳草,是金子總會發光。
艾瑪,俺在這囉裏囉嗦,絮絮叨叨,都快成祥林嫂了。俺閨女已經 get over it,已經 move on,幾天前就翻篇兒了。俺這個四爪爹也需要翻篇兒了哈哈。好好好,咱們現在就言歸正傳,講講爪父替閨女選美的故事吧。
12月初的時候,閨女收到這位女前輩的電話,邀請閨女參加十二月下旬在廣州舉行的世界華裔小姐選美大賽,包食宿包機票。閨女若上周拿到哥大的 ED,時間上還來得及,可以回國參加選美大賽。但艾瑪一聲偶滴天,閨女的 ED 被哥大”政治正確”了!現在要準備其它學校的 RD 申請,中國行就此泡湯。可是..可是..可是,包食包住包機票,這麽好的機會錯過了太可惜了!於是我這個財迷爹自告奮勇,問女前輩我能否男扮女裝去參賽。古有花木蘭替父去從軍,今有爪四哥替女去選美!
備注: The National Art Honor Society of XXX XXXX High School hosted Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith, a local artist with ALS (a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord).
Lindsay was first diagnosed in August of 2012, and while her life and body have gone through many transformations, including paralysis of her torso and diminished control of her limbs and voice, she has found strength by continuing to paint with her feet and making meaningful, creative, and thought-provoking artwork. Smiling the whole night, Lindsay revealed her life story, from the time she spent in NYC as a puppeteer, to her travels all around the world, to her move back to XXXX county. She highlighted the multitude of emotions she experienced through her struggle -- frustration, gratitude, acceptance, and courage. She also delved into her connection to nature and how her spirituality has influenced her.
While using her feet to paint and draw on stage, Lindsay explained the meaning of her artwork, the methodology she used, and the symbolic nature of the circular motif emphasized in many of her paintings. She revealed that she creates her own naturally pigmented paints to achieve the perfect color and consistency, as well as a precaution for safety on her skin. She also concluded on a humorous note, saying she greatly enjoys "squishing the paint between her toes."
Towards the end of the night, Lindsay interacted with the audience by answering several questions, from simple ones like "What is your favorite color?" and "What music do you like to listen to?" to more complex questions like "How has your style changed over the years?" and "How have you changed your outlook on life since your diagnosis?" She responded with thoughtfulness and enthusiasm the whole time, despite the difficulties she has with speaking. Furthermore, she revealed what she was most grateful for: her family and friends who have supported on her journey through its ups and downs, its mountains and valleys.
The whole event was put together by the combined efforts of the NAHS executive board members, several teachers, Lindsay's family members, and numerous NAHS members who greatly contributed in the set-up, the reception, and the various refreshments which were offered to the guests. Lindsay's entire presentation and painting session was projected live on a large screen, allowing the audience to establish a more intimate connection with her as they viewed both her artwork and her smile on a closer scale.
Lindsay's positivity, strength, and inspirational messages will be remembered by XXX XXXX High School and its National Art Honor Society chapter. She has taught the audience about patience, gratitude, humor, and most of all--that it is sometimes okay to get a little messy.
To learn more about Lindsay, visit http://alchemyofthesole.com/bio/ , https://www.artlifting.com/pages/shop-by-medium-original-art
and to donate: https://www.youcaring.com/lindsay-abromaitis-smith-549266
Submitted by XXX XXXX High School National Art Honor Society chapter.
as an artist and designer, frankly speaking:
her make up is not right. you have to find better make up artist to do the job.
[她開始appreciate 她爹的efforts,但她仍然不能完全agree她爹的做法。父女倆要on the same page,任重而道遠。 ]
》爪四啊,咱給你支一招,怎麽樣才能讓你的寶貝女兒可以on the same page。你現在開始起就告訴你的女兒,上大學是一個最壞的事。有才能的人,隻需要在家裏自己學就中了。這樣你的寶貝女兒和你on the same page的可能性就會增加到至少八成。
你還記得咱給你講的咱的同事的事吧,寶貝女兒都已經當教授啦,把她的爹氣的恨不得有時盒子炮都有想掏出來的想法。on the same page不是年齡加大就會自然而然的啊!關鍵是不能受白左大學教授們的誤導啊!
回複 'oldnash' 的評論 : 有什麽見不得人的?華人被歧視,為華人利益去拚,總要有人出頭。