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特別感謝羅德島州的四位招集人。這四位無黨無派普普通通安分守己與世無爭的羅德島老中,當效仿當年納粹的亞裔細分的黑手伸向自己的孩子時,他們忍無可忍,為了自己的孩子,為了全體老中的孩子,挺身而出,無私奉獻。從申請集會 permit,到準備給州長的 petition,到挨家挨戶拉人參與,到自費準備上百的標語,橫幅與國旗,花費了大量的時間,金錢與精力。但他們的努力沒有白費,此次集會已引起當地主流媒體的重視,已上了當天的新聞。參與集會的布朗大學的吳教授還接受了當地很 popular 的一家美國電視台的專訪,把華人的訴求,反對亞裔細分的原因告訴世人...
圖1: 集會現場
圖2: 集會現場
圖3: 集會現場
圖4: 孩子生了重病,背著孩子來參加集會的老中
圖5: 專程從加州飛來助威的老中
圖6: 麻省助威的兄弟姐妹
圖7: 康州助威的兄弟姐妹
圖8: 俺為本次集會製作的標語牌,希望永不會再用
圖9: 集會的消息上了當天的新聞
圖10: 吳教授接受電視采訪
圖11: 無私奉獻的四位招集人:邱毅光、陸少磊、立瑩、楊宇
圖12: 新州的爪四哥,哈哈,象不象黑社會老大...不不,老四
集會花絮-1: 差點兒把爪哥當搶劫犯
昨天早晨六點多上路,十點四十開到。根據招集人發的通知,可以把車停進收費的Providence Place Mall,再走去抗議集會地點羅德島州State House。開到離Mall還有半個mile時,我發現路邊有個大的停車場,好像不用交費。俺這個財迷二話不說,就把車開了進去。出來之後往前走,剛好碰上一個美國白人老奶奶,一手拎一個大包,走在我前麵。我三步兩步追上去,問她去State House 的走法,老奶奶特熱情,告訴我她剛好要去State House 旁邊的車站坐車,跟她走好了,有近道。一路上她問我去幹啥,我把前因後果大概敘述了一遍,老奶奶把頭搖得象撥浪鼓,說這些個政客簡直是吃飽撐得。她的親戚中就有爸爸是亞非混血,母親是歐亞混血,咋填表?!怎麽分?!對我們老中的訴求完全支持。走到Providence Place Mall時,她領我抄近路,爬上高高的台階,穿過黑黑的走廊。我看她費力的樣子,也沒多想,就一把抓過她手裏的兩個大口袋,想幫她減點兒負擔。沒想到老奶奶大驚失色,高喊搶劫啦!搶劫啦!她這一喊,我也大吃一鯨,趕緊把兩個大囗袋還給她,跟她解釋半天,老奶奶才相信我。但從此讓我與她離開五米遠,一直走到State House分道時,她老人家才放下心來。放下手裏包向我招招手大聲說:Good luck,young man!
集會花絮-2: 大陸來的中學生的神回複
集會進入中盤階段時,忽然間忽啦啦來了幾十位亞洲麵孔的孩子,看年齡應該是中學生。我以為也是來給集會助威的,於是迎上去歡迎他們。一問才知道,他們果然是從中國來的中學生,在Brown大學參加暑期夏令營,今天剛好來參觀State House。我攔住其中的三女一男,把我們集會反細分法的訴求解釋給他們聽。三個女孩子聽得連連點頭表示讚同與理解。那個男孩看看我,看看三個女孩子,忽然冒出一句雷人的話:叔叔您這不就是相當於咱國內的上訪喊冤嗎,還是美國的上訪更熱鬧!
My fellow Americans/ 同胞們,朋友們, First,I have to confess,I started as a reluctant volunteer,however,I was so moved by the dedication and hard work of three very special individuals。They all have 2 or 3 young children at home。You can not imagine how hard they have been working and how many things they have done since the beginning。I am part of this movement largely because of their conviction and their unselfishness。楊宇,立瑩 and Dr. 陸,please stand up... and let's give them a big round of applause! Thank you! There are many other people that have also spent many many hours for this cause and I won't name them one by one here,but let's thank them! Thank you very much! Today is a very special day。 Thank you for being here。You may not realize it,this is probably the first ever Chinese American protest in Rhode Island's history。Today is special,because ,we Chinese Americans,are no longer the silent minority-- Rhode Island Chinese Americans have stood up! We will fight for fair and equal treatment for ourselves ,and for our future generations! You all should be very proud of yourselves for being here。Thank you! Why we are here? We are here to ask our governor and state legislators to repeal or change the "All Students Count Act"。Why repeal this law? Because it singles out only Asian Americans。As you know,we account for less than 4% of Rhode Island's population。No other racial groups are subject to such divisive and intrusive inquiry。If the intent is to identify underachieving and underprivileged students,why not focus on more appropriate factors such as family financial and educational background? And,why ignore the needs of the 96% majority? We don't need and are NOT ASKING for any special treatment ,ALL WE ASK for is fair and equal consideration。Did you know,in many Rhode Island schools,there are often only one or two Asian students in each grade? Why waste tax dollars and resources to collect such insignificant data? Should this law be repealed? The answer is YES! But,the most scary part is that this type of data is subject to manipulation and abuse and can be used to advance race-based public policies。Do you remember the "Chinese Exclusion Act" and the Japanese Internment Camps? Our ancestors have suffered enough from this long history of racial discrimination。Do we need these types of laws? Of course not! We strongly ask our governor,state senators and representatives to repeal this law! Repeal! Repeal! Today's protest is just the beginning of our journey to fight for ourselves and for our future generations。If you have not become a citizen,become one;if you have not registered to vote,go register;if you have not donated to any candidates,please find someone you can support and get him or her elected! Let's speak up with our mouth and more importantly with our votes! Let our voices be heard! Make it louder and louder! I hope,one day,there will be no AA,HA,or WA,we are ALL AMERICANS !
回複 '爪四哥' 的評論 : "亞裔細分的幾乎全部是民主黨人"
cng別忽悠啦! 你真要把自己這個“名博主”的ID弄到臭不可聞嗎。