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(2022-03-21 11:04:52) 下一個

俺是個大老粗,樂盲,從沒去過一場古典音樂會。從眾的壓力,還是逼迫大寶和二寶分別學了小提琴和鋼琴。俺逼得很痛苦,他們被逼的也很痛苦。大寶一離開家去了大學就很少碰琴了。二寶還在眼皮底下,隻好繼續。好在他的老師很好,在選擇學習的曲目上,允許二寶參與。前兩年學的都有 Jazz 的味道在裏麵,因為二寶的興趣,他在學校的 Jazz Band 吹 trumpet 。今年倒是回到了傳統些的,是 Rachmaninoff 的 Prelude Op 3 No 2 in C Sharp minor , 俺挺驚訝的,二寶會同意這首曲子,因為他才14歲和這首曲子俺這個老粗都能聽出的一點 emotion 。更驚訝的是,二寶彈的俺也能聽出 emotion 來,充滿了悲憤,“憑什麽逼著我學鋼琴!”。俺也聽了大師彈的,好能假裝和二寶交流。在油管找到這個版本,俺不光聽,還認真學習 comments ,武裝自己的音樂詞匯,好在二寶麵前不懂裝懂。其中的一條評論讓俺笑出眼淚來,是不是真的, 俺不知道,貼在這,請班裏的音樂家們來回答。


 Matt Davidson
7 months ago
Please don’t be angry if someone coughs. My name is Matt Davidson and I have been a professional cough artist for 50 years. I am employed by artist or their managers to cough during live performance so people like you do not get a perfect copy for free. If you want a perfect recording then you have to pay for it. I make an incredible living doing this round the world and I always comes in disguise. Disable, old , frail, male / female attire. You will have difficult spotting me. Enjoy this video and I made sure nobody get a cough free performance.

Matt Davidson
6 months ago
 @Karl  Yes I am serious. I am retired now. I have trained my young nephew and she is very good at it.

Spencer Denning
6 months ago
Cough artists are an underrated and underappreciated element of any claque worth it's salt. A thankless job, they dutifully provide a reminder that the music is in fact being performed live. Coughers, or Toussers as they were known in the old country, prompt the audience to remember they too are a part of a live musical performance, for indeed, what is a performance without an audience? If a tree falls... Without Les Toussers the audience might be liable to forget they are witnessing a one of a kind performance of which they play an important role as spectator.


Spencer Denning
Spencer Denning
6 months ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o87rD29rl-4 I wanted to thank you for your prodigious performance toward the end of this piece. It just isn't the same without your talents. I have a version without coughs on cd recorded in a studio, but I never listen to it. I find myself returning again and again to this definitive live performance. It's somehow impossibly more magical despite the ostensible "interruptions." I claim it's better because of the very fact that an "imperfection" intrudes on the music. It serves as a reminder of the perfection of the music. Without the coughs, there is no reference. We don't know light without dark, happiness without sadness, nor live musical perfection without a few coughs.

Matt Davidson
5 months ago
 @Spencer Denning  that was not my work. That’s Klaus from Switzerland who disrupted this live performance. In Germanic style his cough is abrupt and slightly syncopated and in the wrong pitch. Mine are always off beat , discreet and only slightly intrusive. Thank you.

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