  • 博客訪問:

69 一首詩, 寫給1969年

(2017-06-08 11:14:05) 下一個



Once on a dairy farm,

At a creamy dusk,

Thousands of young Gypsies,

Worshipping Sun and Rainbows.

Oh, my poor Gypsies,

Showered by rocks,

Hard and soft, 

Blue and purple,

Till they became colorful chalks.    

Oh, my innocent Gypsies,

On stones, painting peace and love.


Once on a barren farm,

At a chilling dawn,

Thousands of young Crazies,

Worshipping Sun and Maonotone.

Oh, my poor Crazies,

Shoveling and trimming rocks,

Rectangle and square, 

Black and grey, 

Till they became uniform building blocks.     

Oh, my innocent Crazies,

On water, constructing utopia and mirage. 


Six in my eyes, 

What’s in your eyes?

Nine in the past,

What’s in the present?


突然發現 1969 年發生了很多事情, 很值得思考, 巧得很, 世界在不同的極端裏, 就像6和9, 所以寫了這首詩。 選了那年的美國, 那年的中國, 希望不是太隱晦, 又不是太直白。  

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顫音 回複 悄悄話 回複 '蓮盆籽' 的評論 :
謝謝點評。 哈哈哈, 是中年大叔, 諾拉是 NOLA, 我生活了14年的地方。 懷念。 我博客裏寫了 ”生命樹“ , 表達懷念。
蓮盆籽 回複 悄悄話 寫英文詩的,應該是個年輕的妹妹。1969年我都不記得了,你也沒經過吧?