  • 博客訪問:

First Meet

(2017-02-16 12:39:01) 下一個

First Meet 


Shaken by a fresh breeze of your delicate feet,

When I was immersed in the drowsy heat.

Awoken by a cooling shade of your fleeting shadow, 

When I was bound to the cuddly meadow.   

I chased your gorgeous shadow to greet,

And your beautiful smile was a wonderful treat. 

We strolled around the meadow in sunset,

Till midnight we were trapped in a love net. 

Decades later I still hear the birds’ tweet,

They witnessed a first meet ever sweet. 

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
顫音 回複 悄悄話 回複 '寒山月' 的評論 : 謝謝您的鼓勵! 您過獎了, 不敢當。 剛剛學習的, 現在 free verse , 大概上世紀初, 我讀的都是舊體詩, 新詩不太會欣賞, 自己瞎寫時, 也都讀出來, 盡量寫到讀的順暢上口。
寒山月 回複 悄悄話 但是你的韻律和音步掌握得很好。我也不很懂。英語新詩是從什麽時候不再強調押韻的?我有時覺得嚴格的韻律使得一首詩很沉悶,但是有韻使得詩上口。
顫音 回複 悄悄話 很慚愧, 看到你的評論後, 才去了解了 meter and rhythm。 我過去一年才開始讀詩, 手癢, 就胡寫幾句, 請多指教。
寒山月 回複 悄悄話 Is this a Trochee or Dactyl?