


(2017-01-17 04:40:45) 下一個

通過和校長對話,終於獲得校長的支持。首先學校支持娃run a chess club,為此學校order了chess sets,每星期一次,在special education 老師的教室裏進行。娃已經和老師discuss了幾次,都已經安排就緒,隻等February 22考完computering contest和chess sets到貨。另外,學校為了方便娃參加高中生才能參加的一些考試,專門register了這些考試,並開放給全校所有同學,這一下他們學校成為本地區最好的有extra curriculum的學校。更令我們高興的是,為了準備二月份的Coding contest,學校專門從UW請來一個大三的物理係的學生專門輔導娃和其他幾個同學的數學和Coding。

下麵是special education的老師給我們的email,我們對學校的安排非常滿:

Hello Peter and Flora

I wanted to touch base and update you about some things happening at Vista Hills for Daniel. 

1. Thank you for the Chess Club posters. The chess sets have been ordered, and I am just waiting for them to arrive. Daniel and I discussed that it might be best to use the Chess Club time for CCC practice right now and then start Chess Club a bit later on in the term. I will hold on to the posters for him. 

2. Daniel and a group of students come on Day 3 and Day 5 (when they are available and interested) to practice for the CCC. 

3. We have just connected with our Tutor in the Classroom tutor who is a Physics student at U of W and will be coming in to work on some math and computer/coding supports with some Grade 7 students. I think Daniel would be challenged and excited to connect with him as well. This is one way that we can provide extensions to him within our school building. 

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. :) Happy New Year to both of you as well.

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