


(2020-09-06 15:51:23) 下一個

昨天(2020.9.5,農曆7月19)在Creekside Garden Centre 買的。$16.99 每顆。25% off 但沒有warranty。今天栽上了。


Martin Saskatoon.  描述:Very productive with some of the bigger berries.  Masses of large bloom clusters in early spring mature to clusters of large fruit. Ripens more constantly than native plant in early to mid-summer. Best yields in full sun and sandy-__Amy, well-drained soil. 

北邊那顆是Thiessen Saskatoon.  size to be 5m high and 2m wide. cold tolerance is -42 degree C. Description is as below:

I am a large fruit producing shrubwith glossy green leaves which change to a vivid orange-red fall color. I produce large, purplish-blue berries in late summer which are delicious in pies or jams, and can be eaten fresh. i am cold tolerant. you can use me as a border. 

Caring for me

I prefer a moist, well drained, slightly acidic soil. in spring, feed me an all purpose fertilizer prior to new spring growth. Please prune me to remove broken or damaged limbs.

Plant me with:

Saskatoon, Raspberry, Blueberry, Currant, haskap Gojiberry.


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