
天朝玉介紹一首外國詩 (6 )《我們將不會從同一隻杯子》 The Two Of Us Won’t Share A Glass T

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天朝玉介紹一首外國詩 (6 )《我們將不會從同一隻杯子》 The Two Of Us Won’t Share A Glass Together - 安娜 · 阿赫瑪托娃


English Translation  — 


The Two Of Us Won’t Share A Glass Together 

                  Anna Akhmatova


The two of us won’t share a glass together

Be it of water or of sweet red wine;

We won’t be kissing, in the morning either

Nor, late at night, enjoy an evening shine… 

You breathe the sun, I breathe the moon; however

We are united by one love forever.


I always have with me my true soul mate,

You have with you your ever-merry girlfriend;

Yet I’m acquainted with your eye’s dismay

As you’re the reason of my lifelong ailment.

The length of our dates won’t be increased,

That’s how, it’s doomed, to honor our peace.


Yet, it’s my breath that flows in your rhymes

While in my rhymes your voice is singing clear;

Oh’ neither oblivion, nor fear

Will ever dare to touch this kind of flame.

I wish you knew how I am longing now

To feel your dry and rosy lips somehow. 



Chinese Translation  —



          安娜 · 阿赫瑪托娃
























French Translation —


Nous ne boirons pas dans le même verre

Ni l’eau ni le vin doux,

Nous ne nous embrasserons pas à l’aube,

Et le soir nous ne regarderons pas à la fenêtre.

Tu respires par le soleil, moi par la lune,

Mais nous vivons par le même amour.


Avec moi j’ai toujours mon fidèle et tendre ami,

Et toi ta joyeuse compagne,

Mais je comprends l’effroi de tes yeux gris,

Car c’est toi l’auteur de mon mal.

Que nos brèves rencontres restent rares.

Notre paix nous est ainsi gardée.


Dans mes vers, seule ta voix chante,

Dans tes vers souffle mon haleine.

Oh, c’est un feu de bois que n’ose

Toucher ni l’oubli ni la peur…

Et si tu savais comme j’aime en cet instant

Tes lèvres sèches couleur de rose !




阿赫瑪托娃(1889年6月11日-1966年3月5日) 是俄羅斯文學史上最著名的女詩人之一。在百姓心中,她被譽為“俄羅斯詩歌的月亮”(普希金曾被譽為“俄羅斯詩歌的太陽”);在蘇聯政府的嘴裏,她卻被汙蔑為“蕩婦兼修女”。 著有詩集《黃昏》、《黃色的群鳥》、《車前草》、《安魂曲》等。 她的詩體現出俄羅斯古典詩歌優美、清新、簡練與和諧的傳統,深受讀者喜愛。



Anna Akhmatova is regarded as one of the greatest Russian poets. Besides poetry, she wrote prose—primarily memoirs, autobiographical pieces, and literary scholarship, including her outstanding essays on Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. In her lifetime Akhmatova experienced two different kinds of Russia, prerevolutionary and Soviet, yet her verse protected the traditions of classical Russian culture from the onslaught of avant-garde radicalism and formal experimentation, as well as from the suffocating ideological strictures of socialist realism. For all the restraint, femininity, and ostensible apoliticism of her verse, her poetic persona perfectly embodied the tragic spirit of twentieth-century Russia. Although she lived a long life, it was darkened disproportionately by calamitous moments. Isaiah Berlin, who visited Akhmatova in her Leningrad apartment in November 1945 while serving in Russia as first secretary of the British embassy, aptly described her as a tragic queen,” according to György Dalos. Akhmatova’s regal bearing, tempered by an aura of sadness, was in fact her key identifying feature: this image is conveyed through her verse and in scores of memoirs and prose portraits. For several generations of readers, she has been an iconic representation of noble beauty and catastrophic predicament.





很喜歡她的詩,她的詩具有深刻的人性,內心回憶細微且優雅。這個中文翻譯有幾處不確切, 比如 your eye’s dismay, dismay 在這裏不應該是慌亂的意思。等我找時間翻譯一下。


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