  • 博客訪問:

速描《金瓶梅》第 85 回 /100

(2017-01-10 07:50:46) 下一個

金蓮想懷西門子時,服安胎藥無效。 現寡婦金蓮懷孕了,服藥墜下男胎, 扔到茅廁,淘糞工發現,謠言競走, 她養女婿陳經濟。月娘返家,相信丈母金蓮女婿陳經濟和春梅三嬉醜聞,不準陳經濟再跨進大門。




現在的金蓮, 即無情男, 又無閨蜜.


Jin took pregnant potion in order to have Ximen's son, but failed.  Now widow Jin gets pregnant, she gets an abortion, it’s a boy, the waste hauler saw the embryo in the waste dumpster, and rumors of in-law scandal spread everywhere.


The 1st wife returns home, maid tells her again about threesome play, the 1st wife believes her this time, disallows Chen, the son-in-law to come to her house.


The 1st wife sells Mei for 16 pieces of silver; same as what she paid for her years ago, and wants Mei to walk away without anything on. Jin cries to say goodbye to Mei,  giving Mei two sets of clothes, and pieces of jewelry, Mei leaves house with pride and dignity.


Jin is alone, has no man, no girl.



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