2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
六妻瓶兒原是梁高官的小三兒,高官與正妻逃命, 帶不走的金銀財寶隨瓶兒嫁到花子虛成為正妻老大,瓶兒與在皇家侍奉過的花公公有私密, 他偷來的皇家金珠寶石,玩物奇貨,私下流入瓶兒私房。 瓶兒與鄰居西門慶偷情,當丈夫在兄弟分家產中冤枉死去後, 瓶兒早把私房家產翻牆偷運入西門慶, 後嫁西門慶成為小六兒。
瓶兒生前萬人無怨,人人借錢,無人還錢,可憐命薄,葬禮彌補,西門慶要與靈柩相伴四七(28天)後安葬。 眾官前來上祭, 讚靈棺采用頂級楊宣榆, 高官死後都無此禮遇。
Ximen’s 6th wife Ping used to be a concubine to Liang, the high ranking official, who ran away with his wife due to political trouble, the house treasures he couldn’t bring along with, went together with Ping, who then married with Hua. Ping had an affair with her father-in-law, who had worked for royal family, she then secretly inherited the royal treasures he had stolen. Ping cheated on her husband, fooled around with Ximen, when her husband died on family property split fight, she had already hidden her treasures in Ximen’s house.
When she married with Ximen, everyone in the house borrowed money from her, no one returned. Nobody talked bad about her. Poor Ping had a short life, but long funeral instead. Ximen requests for 4 x 7 days (28 days before burying her. When the officials come to Ping’s wake ceremony, and see the expensive coffin, they say if they die, they cannot afford such coffin and ceremony.
- 《紅樓夢》受《金瓶梅》影響
- 主人的葬禮遠不如自己媳婦,妾眷