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(2016-12-17 13:57:49) 下一個

西門慶六妻瓶兒喪兒三星期, 病得血崩氣衰, 無力下床, 求太醫,巫醫, 婦醫無效, 西門慶找潘道士施符水, 又花了320兩銀子買了頂級棺材幫衝邪,難以搭救, 當夜, 瓶兒斷氣身亡,西門慶放聲嚎哭,  結婚三載, 她亡齡 二十七。《金瓶梅》的瓶, 就此謝幕。

瓶兒臨終前, 樂善好施, 把金銀細軟給王姑子, 馮媽, 丫頭, 奶媽, 囑咐月娘防暗算。

Ping, Ximen’s 6th wife, is as thin as a stick, since losing her son three weeks ago, she is too fragile to get out of bed.  Ximen searches for doctors and monk for a magic potion, then, gets a coffin for Ping to drive away the evil, he spends 320 pieces of silver for the best one.  Nothing can help.  Ping died at 27,  Ximen cried loud,   they had only married for 3 years. Ping, one of the three ladies of “Jin Ping Mei” is gong.

Before Ping passing away, she gave jewelry and fine clothes to her maids, making sure that all of them had been taken care of.  She also warned the 1st wife be alert of evil.

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