2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西門慶不滿正妻月娘擅自聯繈褓姻緣,嫌親家官小,後轉怒為喜,因親家與皇族有一絲瓜連。 金蓮恨瓶兒得子得榮,痛把丫頭當瓶兒打,瓶兒敢怒不敢言。
Ximen is mad at his 1st wife’s arrangement of diaper marriage for his one-year-old-son, but then quickly turns to glee when discovering his future in-laws’ remote connection to the Royal family. Jin hates Ping getting glory because of son, Jin beats her own maid as if she were Ping, Ping is upset but cannot say a word.