2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西門慶財旺升官,升官財更旺, 姻連黨結, 勢依豪強。更有人送童男為禮, 西門慶擁有琴童 畫童 加書童。 西門慶原包養的李桂姐,放棄青樓歌女, 寧做西門慶幹女兒, 乘轎送禮拜西門慶正妻月娘做幹娘。傍大款,傍大官。
Ximen’s money leads him to power; power leads him to super riches. People are drawing to him for marriage, friendship, politics and power. Some officers send Ximen boys as gifts, now Ximen has musical boy, painting boy and library boy. Li Gui-jie, Ximen’s prostitute that he owns, doesn’t want to be a prostitute anymore. She visits Ximen, bringing gifts to Ximen’s first wife to be her goddaughter. People lean on the rich; people lean on the power.