2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西門慶因給高官敬獻天價壽禮,“高價買下”山東司法要職。現是土豪兼法官,享升官進祿之榮, 請五個裁縫置辦官帶衣類, 每日開始上班,排軍喝道,到庭院衙門,坐理公事,收禮接帖。時來誰不來,兒滿月, 達官顯赫帥櫻槍隊登門造訪. 金蓮嫉妒瓶兒生貴子, 金蓮栽贓瓶兒偷”香壺”.
Ximen “buys high” for the position of jury officer through bribery with expensive gifts. He is now rich and powerful. He invites five tailors to make his officer clothes. Everyday, he goes to work, surrounded by his group of bodyguards, reviewing cases, and receiving gifts and invitations. People are drawn to the power. When Ximen’s son is just one month old, the high-ranking officers and their troops come to celebrate it. Jin is so jealous of Ping’s son, claiming that Ping steals the delicate house pot.