周一,我發去:"Could you by me a kindle oasis, we bring it to Q." "Go to see the sun, Just like a 月牙."
Use glasses if you look! We have them here. I mean eclipse glasses. Especially you!!
I used the welder's cover.
Perfect :-) Cool hey?
:-) Can we help a friend to bring a box to Shanghai? We can make $220.
Nothing illegal in the box?
Too bad. ;-)
I can't see a kindle oasis on amazon, can you?
I haven't checked yet.
周二,他發來:"National Bao Day today."
Haha, really?
我告訴了媽媽,她在家蒸了一些包子。下午到家發了包子的照片給他,“Are you coming?”
What do you wish?
;-) You know! I need you to comfort me!
Lol well glad it's all about you. Work out/walk tonight?
I am not kidding, I really need you to comfort me.
Tough day? I'll bring gifts
My dad...;The condo...;I lost...;I signed...! So muchthings happened baby! No time for packing.
Wow that is a crazy day. I'll be there soon.
他說Lol well glad it's all about you. 的時候,我覺得不完全是開玩笑,因為周日那天,我有點困,睡前隻是他照顧我,而我沒有照顧他,他那兒鼓鼓著,嘴上卻說:“你累了,今天就算了吧。”我就順水推舟了,估計他有點不太爽。