周二下午5:47,我發微信過去:Thursday 6:30 haircut.
周三上午11:18他才回複:Ok sounds good. My watch stopped working, how long is the warranty on it?
Two years
I don't know if it's my charging cable or the watch.
Let Apple check it
When should we go in? Or should I just run in on the weekend while you are resting?
Tomorrow after haircut?
What time do you think we'll be done?
Maybe before 8:00? Or even 7:30?
I'll book for 8:15
7:45 Latest I could do
Ok should I ask to move haircut a little earlier, 6:10?
If possible, 6 even we can eat after.
I will try. 6:00 done.
晚上7:21, 他問:If I get an air cond guy to come out on Monday to look at your unit would that be ok you think?
Of course
Ok, do you know the model of your unit? I can call a few places tomorrow.
Ok that's good thanks.