2016 (172)
2017 (157)
2018 (60)
2022 (1)
周一1:40pm, Cow rematch tomorrow night?
Wii game?
Or a midnight trip to a local farm!
Both are accepted. Let's have fun tomorrow. ;-)
晚上我問他:How is your back today?
It's ok baby. Resting tonight
Tired? ;-)
Very. Hard work on the...
Wii. ;-)
;-) It was amazing!
周二一大早 7:35am,他微信:Happy Pi day!
Happy Pi day!
下午四點,I'll bring dessert tonight be there around 5:45 ish
他說今晚時間不多,是玩Wii還是幹點別的,隻能二選一。打開Wii,試了一會兒Wii Fit,他今天還帶來三張鍛煉的Wii碟,改天有時間再玩。不用說,柔情繾綣一番。。。道了再見。