
20160916-18 There is only one person matters to me

(2016-09-19 13:46:35) 下一個

  20160916 8:19am I'm enjoying the great feeling. Kiss. Tomorrow morning 9:30 haircut okay?

Glad to hear it. Kiss. And ok for tomorrow. I'm really busy today can you book foot massage? Crazy day

  No problem, when is the best time for us?

After haircut?

  Okay. There is only one lady do the massage. We have to do it one by one. The earliest we can book is Oct 5th Wednesday 6:15.

Boo, I like doing things with you.

  If we want to go on weekends, the earliest is Oct 22 and 29 both Saturday.

Book either for now I'm not planned that far ahead

  Ok, Oct 5th then, Wednesday 6:15 okay? We will sit beside and wait for each other. Total two hours. If okay I will confirm with her.


  Kiss. Done. Oct 5th at 6:30 for two.

  Fri: Costco Return 3 items, Pool, Superstore pick up.

  Sat: Haircut 9:30, Seefood Lunch Home, South Common Costume and Ikea, Choir (2:30-3:30)

  Sun: Hotpot with parents, Exercise, Choir (4:30-6:00), W Ave dinner(Accent...)

  What do you think about this plan? No superstore pick up tonight.

  Lots of pictures in BC are lost!


Finishing up at work, leaving shortly.




回家忙乎了兩個小時才吃上。合唱的事晚了,但是也沒能推掉,急急忙忙吃完飯,他送我過去。我唱歌,他去加了油,買了啤酒,然後來接上我又去洗車,每次洗車的時候我們都玩親親。然後就去Ikea換家電。穿插著又找衣服的配飾什麽的,晚上去吃了韓國菜。回家看電影,Groundhog Day,挺好玩的。

周日一早,愉快地醒來,他後悔頭天晚上有件事沒做,嘿嘿。不過因為是剛剛開始,所以我也沒有在乎。然後我們隨便吃了點水果,他喝了一杯奶,我們就按計劃出發了,約了Y 11:00 火鍋。之後Y和爸爸媽媽去公園,我們繼續逛,買我們需要的配飾。我去Costco退貨的時候他去換回了他的車。再次送我去唱歌,他去買工具和材料,準備周二幫我修理洗手間。接了我之後又去W Ave晚餐,對麵桌子的人時不時看我們,是我們表現太親密了嗎?並沒有啊!他幫我按摩了一會脖子和肩膀,然後我們隻是深情對視,偶爾親親而已啊。

There is only one person matters to me.


Don't want me to hold you?

  You are my baby, I want to hold you.



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