2016 (172)
2017 (157)
2018 (60)
2022 (1)
Will try to leave work a little early today. Be ready after 5:30 so we can get there as early as possible and get a bite to eat and a good seat.
五點二十五,車到了門口,看到我出來,就下車繞過車尾站在車邊等我,抱著我仔細親了兩下,然後打開車門,扶我坐好,再關好車門,回到駕駛位,再次探頭過來親住我。然後脈脈地看著我說:"Hi, How are you?"。
I have been looking forward to this evening. You look nice today! You always look nice! 你真漂亮!
I like your scarf. You should wear scarf more often.
I want to pull over throw you to the back and take your cloths off.
說到住處,It's a little weird, but that's the reality, don't change your life for me.