

橙郡的封城日記-之十:加入nextdoor, 鄰裏相助

(2020-04-02 03:59:09) 下一個

剛加入nextdoor這個實名注冊的鄰裏小區app, 前天瀏覽鄰居們的post, 就發現了鄰居Tamara 貼的這個求救口罩貼,底下不少鄰居回帖告訴她哪哪有網購的,又有人七嘴八舌叫她stay home ! Don’t go anywhere! Tamara 說我馬上要去court了這個是不得不出席的呀! 我馬上跟貼說我可以送你10個口罩你住在森林湖嗎?Tamara 回說我在呀!謝謝!
下午,我於是開著車送了十個口罩去給她,放在信封裏並附上我的地址手機號,寫上:stay healthy and stay save! 你的鄰居特麗莎。
信封放門口按了門鈴,俺退後幾步保持安全social distance , 然後對開門的Tamara 解釋說我因為是護士,故收到了不少好朋友捐贈我口罩,希望能幫助到你,有什麽需要的話,我寫了我手機地址的哈。
Tamara 馬上在社區論壇nextdoor上說謝謝了特麗莎剛送來口罩了!
特意等在Tamara 門口讓她看見我,並附上我的手機號地址,也是讓Tamara 放心,看見了長得這麽良民的我,又有地址又有手機號的, 是個負責任的她的真的鄰居,而不是什麽壞人,我送的口罩可以放心的戴哈!
寶拉感慨了一番說你太好太慷慨了,謝謝你特麗莎,不過你送我的10個口罩我才用了2個還有,不用,我說不用謝,我身為護士,對社區的公共健康是有責任的,前日我就送了倆elderly 鄰居一人10個口罩,老太太喜得說我save two lives!

所以, 如果你身邊有老年的鄰居需要口罩的,我也是要給他們的,這是我護士對社區應該做的。
寶拉說我問問然後告訴你親愛的。然後感慨說我一月份二月份對冠病的意見全部都是對的!她承認,那個時候對covid19 完全不以為意,都三月中了, 還想著和她一個女友去參加萬人音樂會呢,因為票子是女友買的反正免費啊, 不去白不去!幸好被我極力勸阻了!

Nextdoor是一個社區鄰居的論壇app, 希望大家英文好的都多上這個鄰居app去多關心關心老美鄰居們,老美過慣了二戰以來的舒適安全日子,不像我們老中懂得居安思危, 早早什麽都囤好了啥也不缺!傻白甜老美鄰居們就慘了, 如今是啥啥都缺!這個時候咱們一定要及時!主動!地向老美鄰居們伸出援手,鄰裏互助幫助鄰居們一把!在烈性傳染病疫病前,我們和所有的鄰居們,一個都不能倒!
圖七是送Tamara 的口罩,
圖九,是Nextdoor 上看到的,一位鄰居特意在家門口黑板上寫了這麽一行來鼓勵鄰居們:Even the darkest night will end , and the sun will rise !
這是維克多雨果悲慘世界裏最鼓舞人心的名句!quote by Victor Hugo.
我因此寫給寶拉說: Let’s hang in there, till the vaccine comes out! 

The vaccine is the light of the dark, together let’s hung in there, till the sun rise! 



Alone I wait in the shadows
I count the hours until I sleep
I dreamed a dream Cosette st-stood by
It made her weep to know I die
Alone at the end of the day
Upon this wedding night I pray
Take these children my Lord to thy embrace
And show them grace
God on high
Hear my prayer
Take me now
To thy care
Where you are
Let me be
Take me now
Take me there
Bring me home
Bring me home
Monsieur, I bless your name
I am ready Fantine!
Monsieur, lay down your burden
At the end of my days
You've raised my child with love
She's the best of my life
And you will be with God
Papa, papa, I do not understand
Are you all right?
Why did you go away
Cosette, my child
Am I forgiven now?
Thank god, thank god
I've lived to see this day
It's you who must forgive a thoughtless fool
It's you who must forgive a thankless man
It's thanks to you that I am living
Again I lay down my life at your feet
Cosette, your father is a saint
When they wounded me
He took me from the barricade
Carried like a babe
And brought me home
To you
Now you are here
Again beside me
Now I can die in peace
For now my life is blessed
You will live
Papa, you're going to live
It's too soon, too soon to say goodbye!
Yes, Cosette, forbid me now to die
I'll obey
I will try
On this page
I write my last confession
Read it well
When I, at last, am sleeping
It's the story
Of one who turned from hating
The man who only learned to love
When you were in his keeping
Come with me
Where chains will never bind you
All your grief
At last, at last behind you
Lord in Heaven
Look down on him in mercy
Forgive me all my trespasses
And take me to your glory
Take my hand
I'll lead you to salvation
Take my love
For love is everlasting
And remember
The truth that once was spoken
To love another person
Is to see the face of God
Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night?
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light
For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise
They will live again in freedom
In the garden of the Lord
We will walk behind the ploughshare
We will put away the sword
The chain will be broken
And all men will have their reward
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes!
Tomorrow comes!

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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
karenkn 回複 悄悄話 我的也是得到眾多華人朋友們贈送的:)分享是福回複 'fromsilkroad' 的評論 :
fromsilkroad 回複 悄悄話 讚人美心善的樓主!!遠親不如近鄰,你的鄰居Tamara很幸運有你的捐助!!
karenkn 回複 悄悄話 他說的太好了!過目不忘回複 '德州老湯' 的評論 :
德州老湯 回複 悄悄話 讚。我也看到那個名言了!
karenkn 回複 悄悄話 另外想繼續呼籲大家繼續支持本地醫護, 雖說大家家裏蹲兩周了,”春光明媚,誰也感覺不到正在經曆的是一場載入世界史冊的戰爭,哪有什麽歲月靜好,隻是有人替你負重前行“--網友名言