
What to Splurge On With Your Tax Refund

(2017-04-18 22:48:57) 下一個

Image: Cheap bridesmaid dresses uk

Today is Tax Day — the absolute last possible day of 2017 for you to file and pay your taxes, unless you were one of those super-smart advanced planners who filed for an extension.

Despite living in one state and working in another, I somehow get money back. The end of this story, though, is very boring: My small sum went straight to my credit card bills. If that wasn’t the case, I would have put my refund toward a vacation. But for the purpose of this post — a roundup of all the things our shopping department is itching to splurge on — I’d put it toward the one thing I’ve never owned: a really nice bag.

To my surprise, most of my coworkers picked things that, in the grand scheme of splurges, are relatively inexpensive. I applaud their frugality — especially in comparison to mine, which is maybe why I’m in debt and they are not. Take a look at what’s at the top of our very eclectic wish list below.

I’ve been complaining for almost a full year now that I don’t own a club bag — a small little black bag for just the essentials that I could take with me to a club, if I ever end up in one again (because sometimes you do end up in a club! And a bucket bag is not acceptable there!). This baby Fendi bag is about $1,000 more than I’d ever be comfortable spending on a bag, but it is exactly what I’m looking for, and, to be honest, I love the idea of owning one really nice, obnoxiously “designer” thing.

Elsewhere on the internet, I’m hankering for some truly perfect vintage Levi’s. Not the kind you fish out of the bins at overpriced thrift stores, but the kind that other people, like Denim Refinery, have sourced and perfected and also measured in 2017 sizes. This pair is the exact style and wash I want, but they’re $245 and I just... can’t. —Tiffany Yannetta, shopping director

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