
Loneliness is not being alone, but with someone yet feeling thousand mile apart

背著你(空中城堡) (2016-04-18 19:04:30 translation)

(2016-11-20 10:00:49) 下一個

背著你(空中城堡) (2016-04-18 19:04:30)

In the stillness of the night            在萬籟的夜晚
in the distance there's a light          遠處有一線光
the horizon is aglow                 地平線上那一閃又一閃
and it's you that's there I know         告訴我你的地方
Why the lights appear so bright          為何你那麽光亮
or because of all their  night           或隻因它們太黑暗
they're trying to hide you from me         黑暗企圖把你掩藏
but i'll soon be there to set you free      我要把你釋放
Yes,the time for me has come             是的,時間已來到
to set out on my way                  已整裝待發
loaf of bread,knife and lamp in my bag      小幹糧,大刀子和火把
I'm setting out today                  我今晚就啟程
I'm taking alone with me                我帶去的還有
Dad's determined mind                  嚴父的頑強
while watching over me                 看護我的是
is mom's sweet eyes,so kind              慈母的眼光
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