


(2008-02-17 11:07:00) 下一個
    Boyzone - No Matter What
No matter what they tell us            | 我管他們對我怎麽說,
No matter what they do                 | 我管他們怎麽做。
No matter what they teach us           | 我管他們如何去教唆,
What we believe is true                | 我的信仰不會錯。
No matter what they call us            | 無論他們把我叫做什麽,
However they attack                    | 無論他如何指責。
No matter where they take us           | 無論他帶我到什麽角落,
We'll find our own way back            | 我堅信能找到歸航的舵。
I can't deny what I believe            | 別妄想我會背叛自己,
I can't be what I'm not                | 別妄想我會帶上麵具。
I'll know our love forever             | 我的愛是永恒的寰宇,
I know no matter what                  | 一切都不畏懼。
If only tears were laughter            | 多希望淚水化為歡歌,
If only night was day                  | 光明把黑夜照徹。
If only prayers were answered          | 多希望祈禱在天邊回響,
Then we would hear God say             | 傾聽上帝的所說。
No matter what they tell you           | 你管他們對你怎麽說,
No matter what they do                 | 你管他們怎麽做。
No matter what they teach you          | 你管他們如何去教唆,
What you believe is true               | 你的信仰不會錯。
And I will keep you safe and strong    | 為了你的平安與健康
And sheltered from the storm           | 我願遮擋雨雪和風霜。
No matter where it's barren            | 哪怕這大地貧瘠蒼涼,
A dream is being born                  | 畢竟生長出新的夢想。
No matter who they follow              | 無論他們是誰的信徒,
No matter where they lead              | 無論他們去向何處。
Now matter how they judge us           | 任他們去評判是是非非,
I'll be everyone you need              | 我一直在你身邊嗬護。
No matter the sun don't shine          | 就算太陽失去光環,
Or if the skies are blue               | 天空也不再蔚藍。
No matter what the ending              | 結局不是我最終的期盼,
My life began with you                 | 隻有你讓我的生命燦爛。 
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