2016 (115)
2021 (1)
2025 (2)
《蝶戀花. 檻菊愁煙蘭泣露》英譯(draft)
檻菊愁煙蘭泣露,羅幕輕寒, 燕子雙飛去。 明月不諳離恨苦, 斜光到曉穿朱戶。
昨夜西風凋碧樹,獨上高樓, 望盡天涯路。 欲寄彩箋兼尺素, 山長水闊知何處。
Mums were covered with misty smoke and orchids shed tears like the dew,
Silk curtains swaying in the chilly air,
A pair of swallows side by side away flew.
About parting grief the bright moon never knew,
Till dawn shining through doors of red hue.
Last night the western wind off trees green leaves blew,
Climbing to the high-rise alone,
Toward the end of the road I took a view.
Wanted to send my beloved cards and letters of a few,
The mountains endless and waters wide so nowhere to.